Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
A Dude-y Transactivist Demonstrates How Dangerously Dudeist The Trans Nuts Are

A Dude-y Transactivist Demonstrates How Dangerously Dudeist The Trans Nuts Are

NY Magazine's manly misogynist Andrew 'Andrea' Chu sees children as mere pawns and women as obstacles in the trans cult's weird, gender-bending games

Autogynephilic trans-identified male Andrew ‘Andrea’ Chu wrote a disgusting article in March demonstrating how much of a man he really is, even though he’s had ‘bottom surgery’. You can’t change the attitude, and you sure can’t change what’s between the ears so seriously. This is a podcast for an article that captured a lot of interest before I started doing podcasts, so I’m do that for a few of my top-rated articles from time to time from my pre-podcast days.

“Chu, a trans-identified male, has written a delusional, very dude-ish, and occasionally downright creepy cover story called Why Trans Kids Have The Right To Change Their Biological Sex, which demonstrates how divorced (acrimoniously) from humanity the trans craze is. He doesn’t mention the WPATH Files; his story was published five days after its release so it may have already gone to press, or he deliberately ignored it. He’s defensive and dismissive and has that whole mansplaining vibe of a guy who’s been outside his wheelhouse ever since he slipped on his first Wonderbra.”


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Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
Take back your power! Women can't grow balls so we'll grow some labia! I talk about feminism, empowerment, taking responsibility for your life and path, fighting misogyny and considering what a more equal, just world might look like if we'd just stop fighting with each other.