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Jul 7Liked by Grow Some Labia

The wide eyes and expectant asshole creepazoid.

Really,if there was this sort of person involved in anything I'm involved in even loosely I would be flipping out and doing everything to discredit their hold somehow

Too much of this is down too porn,the violence prevalent in ALL of it these days coupled with rape denial not only for Jewish women but for all and any women according to 9 year old English schoolboys -thwy just want your Bugatti,it's always for your money.

How the hell have we let our children's minds be moulded by inadequate men and 'be kind' women holding the doors open for these scumbags

I'm aware that far from everyobe claiming 'trans' is a Rapey porn addled abuser but enough of them are for me to stand fast,not just hold the line but be willing to break right through it to protect people-its not just women and girls.

We have a serious crisis with our next generations,the cross sex hormones esp for males taking female hormones are making them crazy.

I truly believe that watching how many are shooting strangers and family members,how many have serious anger problems.

Perhaps a combo of the hormones and the realism hitting,them realising that surgery didn't change how they feel about themselves

I will be keeping talking to people,I truly believe 2025 is when it breaks

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