Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
What Would A 'Christian' Pride Month Look Like, After June's?

What Would A 'Christian' Pride Month Look Like, After June's?

What if the Western world was forced to 'celebrate' Christian Supremacy for a month after having shoved Rainbow Supremacy down everyone's throats?

Many on the left have become as fed up with Pride Month as much of the right has. We’re sick of the Rainbow Mafia force-feeding us values that no longer align with liberal, progressive values—the T and Q have taken over and mandated near-fascist alignment, upon penalty of losing your reputation and your job.

In the spirit of diversity, though, what if we had a contrary Pride Month? *Christian* Pride Month, since they dislike the Bible-thumping right more than any other religion. Christian fundamentalism has much in common with left-wing authoritarianism, so it would be a great counterpart to teach the left what June’s Pride Month feels like now.

Please note: This podcast and article are *satirical*. I’m not actually advocating for a Christian Pride Month. What I’d like to see is Pride Month bumped back to Pride Week, and to stop making it mandatory to support (“Vee haff VAYS of making you TikTok!”)


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Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
Take back your power! Women can't grow balls so we'll grow some labia! I talk about feminism, empowerment, taking responsibility for your life and path, fighting misogyny and considering what a more equal, just world might look like if we'd just stop fighting with each other.