Nice rant. Your arguments aside, your voting strategy is well-founded and effective. Rather than not voting at all, signal to election result analysts of both parties your rejection of both presidential candidates by leaving that choice blank BUT continuing to make your usual choices for down-ballot races. This behavior shows up clearly in the results as a growing mismatch between the numbers of votes cast for president relative to those cast for down-ballot positions. The reason behind the mismatch can be inferred by analysts when examining historical voting patterns relating to drop-offs in straight-ticket voting as well as differences between presidential and other high-profile races (e.g. U.S. Senate) on a party basis. I routinely vote this way myself when the occasion warrants it.

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May 29Liked by Grow Some Labia

Don’t be so blinded by the left’s misogyny that you forget that the right is out in front with it as well.

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I absolutely have not forgotten, and I may easily be accused of focusing more on the left's faults than the right's. The truth is that I hammered the right pretty hard for over twenty years when I lived in the U.S. I hit hard against Reagan, Republicans and the Religious Right. I interned for two summers at a Christian TV station (maybe I should write about that some day) and saw some, um, interesting things. It did in fact talk me out of my Christianity. I'm no longer a Christian, although I have little quarrel with my family's religion, Lutheranism. I simply don't believe in it anymore.

I wrote for several years for a small alternative newspaper in northwest Connecticut and it was kind of like Substack: You could say almost anything you wanted, and I did. I'm kind of embarrassed how nasty some of my articles were. But I was still young enough to know everything ;P

I don't write much about Trump and the Republicans mostly because it seems like shooting fish in a barrel; also, everyone else is writing about them and doing a better job than I could. The woke, on the other hand, need more critics, and from their own side since it's too easy to just write off anyone from the other side who criticizes them (which is what the right does too).

So that's why I write about the far left more than the far right; and anyway, how can you compete against QAnon & Marjorie Taylor Greene??? The Regressive Left may be Hamas supporters and can't name either the river or the sea, but at least they don't come up with the loopiest shit like Hillary's Pizza Pedophile Cult and Jewish space lasers.

Or maybe they do and I just haven't seen them. :)

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May 29Liked by Grow Some Labia


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May 29Liked by Grow Some Labia

A prime example of how far the insanity has spread in the US even outside the feverish setting of academia is that onetime symbol of working class Pennsylvania Joe Biden. Just wait until working class voters begin to understand the implications of the new revisions to the Title IX education standards. Once they learn that after August 1, any male who decides he is female will be able to shower with high school and college girls (including my 17 year old granddaughter) who use the school’s pool or gym, Biden will lose in a landslide. I simply cannot fathom how he allowed this insanity to move forward. He has been completely compromised by the woke far left.

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I think Biden is doing whatever his woke kiddie staff members tell him to do. It's clear he hasn't the foggiest idea what this issue is about.

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May 29Liked by Grow Some Labia

Sadly he’s allowed the insanity because he is no longer sane isn’t it as plain as the nose on your face? He’s not making any of these decisions by himself-he can’t!

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