Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
'Saving Normal' Describes How Trans-Mania Evolved, Before It Started

'Saving Normal' Describes How Trans-Mania Evolved, Before It Started

Big Pharma and doctors will literally say and do anything commercialist propaganda tells them to. La plus ça change.
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What I imagine puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and other magic pill genderwoo looks like. CC0 public domain image from Rawpixel

Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharms, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life, by psychiatrist and DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) contributor Dr. Allen Frances, was published in 2013, during the infancy of the social media-induced transgender mania we see today.

Gender critics will recognize the blueprint: Buying politicians; hijacking the medical profession to influence or pressure “doctors, patients, scientists, journals, professional associations, consumer advocacy groups, pharmacists, insurance companies, politicians, bureaucrats and administrators.” That certainly answers the question so many gender critics have asked: How did so many institutions get hijacked by the transgender revenue-driven complex?

Grow Some Labia! is a reader-supported publication. I lean left, but not so far my brains fall out. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


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Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
Take back your power! Women can't grow balls so we'll grow some labia! I talk about feminism, empowerment, taking responsibility for your life and path, fighting misogyny and considering what a more equal, just world might look like if we'd just stop fighting with each other.