Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
Cryptomania Exemplifies How Much We Want To Believe Stupid Things

Cryptomania Exemplifies How Much We Want To Believe Stupid Things

It's hard to stop stupidity when it pays off so handsomely. But political stupidity's glad-handing harms people who weren't dumb enough to invest in it themselves.

Humans have always been easily scammed and many will buy anything that boosts their egos, whether it’s to getrichquick or get the ‘beautiful girl’ in Singapore declaring her love for someone to whom she’s flogging the latest blorp who, if the marks were thinking critically, would wonder, What does she see in me? And, Is that actually a man pretending to be a gorgeous woman to scam me?

Part of this is the human schadenfreude, the feeling of superiority for not being as stupid as all those dumbass testosterone-fueled young people, but it was also a further attempt to understand why we humans are so relentlessly, single-mindedly stupid sometimes. Why we believe what we want to believe and ignore the risks and problems.

Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
Take back your power! Women can't grow balls so we'll grow some labia! I talk about feminism, empowerment, taking responsibility for your life and path, fighting misogyny and considering what a more equal, just world might look like if we'd just stop fighting with each other.