Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
Bitch: When I Was The Abuser (Part II)

Bitch: When I Was The Abuser (Part II)

It takes two for an abusive relationship. Because an abuser can't abuse a person who isn't there.
Image from Mircea Iancu from Pixabay

When I tell women not to take any crap from men, I know whereof I speak. While I’ve never been abused myself, for awhile I was myself an abuser. I never hit anyone, but emotional and psychological scars can run deeper than many physical ones.

Grow Some Labia!
Grow Some Labia! Stories Podcast
Take back your power! Women can't grow balls so we'll grow some labia! I talk about feminism, empowerment, taking responsibility for your life and path, fighting misogyny and considering what a more equal, just world might look like if we'd just stop fighting with each other.