Yup. Humans are still in the sandbox stage. We will never define an acceptable level of free speech as long as we keep playing dominance games. Or as long as our level of self-awareness is so low that we don’t even know what we are really screaming about when we denounce “the woke” or “right-wing fascism.” We are honestly too childish to be responsible citizens in the advanced technological world we have created. We will always be in danger of blowing up the world just to prove we are “right” about something. I don’t know what the answer is. Platforms that at least try to be responsible and fair without promoting extremism are a good start. The sad fact is that we don’t even know what a healthy, mature human society that could accept such a platform would look like. It might look a bit like Finland, but turning the USA into something resembling a cooperative, compassionate society would take some doing. I guess I’m just feeling a bit of detachment from my species right now. I think I will just enjoy my vacation in Los Angeles and think about it until next week.

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Well have fun, you don't need ot think about annoying politics right now ;)

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