Transgenderism is clearly a religion. Jesus rose from the dead. A man can become a woman. Both are examples of a kind of magical thinking protected in the US by the First Amendment as is my belief as an atheist that they are religious nonsense.

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But...one may not compel religion as the transnuts....and all the other woke nuts...do. Wokeness overall has become a religion. But I think trans led and still leads the pack.

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Victimhood is power. Some men who felt they couldn’t get as much power as they felt entitled to decided that they would game the system while intimidating women who objected. The left has an unfortunate blind spot: anyone who claims oppression must be believed and enabled. No one who is, or claims to be oppressed, can be questioned. No one is an opportunistic sociopath. It’s a kind of blindness that is ironically harming the very people they are trying to protect.

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It's downright delusional. Like, I'm seriously hornswoggled by how many supposedly intelligent women buy into the Magical Woman scenario. And how they're willling to throw women under the bus in service to 'inclusivity'.

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