Feminists caused gender ideology by saying the sexes are equal and making everything about conflict theory, and playing the oppression olympics. Why is that view unreasonable?

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Thank you for this sane examination of transphobia. There is not enough nuanced thinking on this topic.

Transgenderism is such a sudden cultural change. As a teacher in Canada, I remember when all of this started. One day we were teaching boys and girls and the next, it was not so clear. There was a student council president at the high school where I taught. He was elected as a male, and then announced that he identified as female. He spent the rest of the year dressed as a girl fulfilling his/her duties of office. He became a kind of local celebrity. Articles about him were framed and hung in a school hallway. He graduated wearing a dress and wig. He came back to visit his former teachers telling them he had decided to be male again, because trying to live as a woman was “too difficult.”

Maybe he was just ahead of his time.

Fast forward ten years and the school board jumps on the equity bandwagon. Sessions in gender identity became mandatory for all students in grade nine. The sessions were conducted in English classes, so, as an English teacher, I got to witness this indoctrination first hand.

It was bizarre. A group of four young women came into my class and explained to the students that there were actually 109 different genders ( or some such outrageous number). The students were asked to comment on their own gender identities. The girls absolutely loved it; they were happy to share. In a class of 30 students, close to a third of them claimed to be either gay or gender nonconforming. The boys just sat there saying nothing and looking uncomfortable. It was outrageously unscientific and manipulative. The board was clearly trying to virtue-signal with its over-the-top efforts to create “equity.” A gender-neutral bathroom soon appeared.

Any number of girls in the next few years demanded new pronouns. Some of them claimed to be male in grade nine, and then went back to being female in grade twelve. Social contagion?

Being transgender became fashionable. It made some kids feel special and important.

The whole issue is so complicated. I’m sure identifying as trans truly helps some people. These people continue to identify as trans and live their lives authentically.

Others might just be a little confused. Still others are sociopaths and should not be allowed to endanger women.

This whole new phenomenon needs to be studied much more carefully. And people who question the trans orthodoxy should not be labeled transphobic.

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