Apr 24Liked by Grow Some Labia

There is a movement of transsexuals opposing Gender Theory. Check out Buck Angel, Blaire White, and Marcus Dibs.

Transactivism/Queer/"the LGBTQIA2S+ community"/Queer Theory/whatever is a religion. It is a fanatical religion that refuses to give itself a name because being nameless gives it a significant advantage in rhetorical battles. It has totalitarian ambitions and is fundamentally hostile to the existence of human beings in the form homo sapiens. The end game is transcending to perfect freedom from ANY objective reality. Check out Martine Rothblatt's manifesto. Check out the Enchanced Games. It's a techno twist on old gnostic beliefs, incredibly culty, and incredibly destructive.

I have no problem with old school transsexuals. It's an incredibly rare neurological condition, likely created by a hormonal glitch during gestation. If their discomfort han be reduced to a tolerable level by presenting as the opposite sex, I have no objections. They just want to pass and move on with their lives.

I have SERIOUS problems with the techno-gnostics. Their end game is eliminating my species. I object strenuously to this goal!

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Important correction: Julie Bindel is a lesbian human female! But I loved this:

“But 2024 isn’t 1984, and today’s gender-benders aren’t as intellectually honest as their forebears, or as educated as their outrageous tuition fees indicate.

It’s less about authenticity than untended mental health issues and malign sexual predation. And politics.”

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Apr 24Liked by Grow Some Labia

if you are a trans woman there are a few things that you need to understand. First of all is that you are still a man because you can't change your biological sex. It's okay to dress any way you wish and to adopt any superficial, stereotypical attributes of women that you desire. Live your life. No one should care, I certainly don't. However, because women are entitled to be treated fairly and to enjoy privacy from men there are certain things that are prohibited to you and me because we are men. You can't compete against women in most sports because it would be unfair. You can't go into women's private places like restrooms and locker rooms because that would make them feel unsafe. Finally, if you are a criminal you certainly can't be imprisoned with women.

That's it, just like me.

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Apr 24Liked by Grow Some Labia

The Talmud discussed all the questions asked in the article 1800 years ago (minus the bullying) so the trans cult isn’t really that innovative. They’re a dishonest malignant cancer and nothing more.

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I don’t think Bill Maher had anything to do with the movie Idiocracy, did he? It’s a Mike Judge (of Beavis and Butthead fame) film.

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