Wonderful insights. One of your best articles yet. I have known a number of social justice warriors and I have often been struck by their self-righteous certainty that they have discovered the way, the truth, and the life. There’s a disturbing smugness to their pronouncements. What they don’t see is the veiled aggression behind their demands for purity and compliance. They want to abolish the abuse of power, but at the same time they want to wield that same power over others. Therapists who espouse this ideology are especially dangerous. As I have repeatedly said, self awareness is the key to stopping this toxic cycle. And that is the one thing this kind of therapist cannot offer their clients because they are wholly lacking it themselves.

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There are signs we may have hit 'peak woke' and the pendulum may be swinging back. But boy oh boy does this therapy thing frighten me. I really wish I could understand how so many people could so compliantly obey, so uncritically, the Call of the Woke. It started out with some good ideas but then it went too far and became a vehicle for hatred.

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