Great idea! Could save many friendships. Some very useful tips here anyone can use. Something else I suggest to people forming new social and romantic relationships is to flat-out suggest that new people raise any issues that may be bothering them, to bring them out into the light to discuss. Of course, we need to make it safe for them to do so.

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That was a mistake I made with a dating app guy I met recently. I should have brought it up sooner, he flaked after a week and a half. But it was no big deal as he’d been such a drama queen I never got attached to him. I will bring it up sooner with others.

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I love this, everyone can use this advice! I nearly lost several life long friendships in the 2020 election cycle and the summer of madness around Floyd and Covid. I am opinionated, I always have been. I am conservative, I always have been and most of them lean left like you. Most people vote for their party's candidate, that's how it's always been. But now, if we vote on party lines it's an unforgiveable sin to the other side. I felt like I was set adrift from 6 friends when we have done life together since we were 14. We're only now just getting things "healed" and I'm worried that here we are again. I rarely post anything political or social-related anymore for fear it will be the nail in the coffin. I shared this on FB, hopefully they all read it and we can talk or our hurts. Our friendships aren't what they were in 2019, and I fear they never will be.

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I’m thinking about reaching out to people I lost touch with. We’re still ‘Facebook friends’, we disagreed on stuff before everyone got so block-happy, and hoping they’ll forget what we disagreed about…much of it going back ten years or so.

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