Thank you for another excellent article. After the debacle with the congressional testimony of the Harvard, MIT and Penn presidents I hoped more folks would see what is going on. Maybe some did, but disturbingly I am seeing more and more anti-semitism erupting in the most unexpected places. Within the new agey spiritual community there seems to be this beleif emerging now that because the Holocaust has some kind of long lasting morphic field power that is coloring everyone's view of jews and allowing 'them' to get away with 'murder'; we are not really understanding how horrible Israel really is. Can't quite wrap my mind around this, but an old old friend basically flat out stated that the jews are hated for good reasons. I was was so shocked I didn't ask what exactly those reasons could be since to my mind there are always reasons to hate anybody or any group of somebodies. That doesn't make it a desirable path to travel though, lumping folks together like that. This was not like her at all. I can't help but think that folks are being infected with a toxic mind virus of some kind. Also recently a jew hater found my substack and at first tricked me into seemingly innocent engagement about Geronimo and then went off on really toxic jew hate. Had to ban him. Wierd since I have not written directly at all about jews or Hamas/Palestine because there are others such as yourself and Bari Weiss, etc, writing about it so much better than ever I can. Also there are other important things to me I want to write about and once Hamas/Palestine is introduced, that becomes the flashpoint and everything else is ignored.

Anyway, wanted you to know how much I appreciate your writing. A breath of sanity this morning while I was struggling to process this mind boggling anti-semitism seemingly coming from all directions now., not just the wokey left or the white supremacist right anymore.

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Thanks for reading again, Rainbow. I try only to write about anything that's maybe a different take - I don't go for the glaringly obvious like "Oh the George Floyd death was so awful" and "The only winners in any war is Death" etc. I think you're right, there's some kind of toxic mindvirus going around about the Jews and damned if I get it because WTF is everyone's problem with them??? Why all this hate for thousands of years? It's like the COVID virus except it infects the brain, and I have the antibodies against it, except I didn't have to get it or get vaccinated for it. Or maybe I did get vaccinated because my mom raised my brother and I not to hate on anyone, and we were friendly with the only Jewish family in our 'hood when I was growing up, and they were perfectly lovely people. Then again, I don't get racism either...growing up in Orlando in the '60s and '70s Mom made VERY sure my bro' and I didn't grow up with the South's toxic attitudes about blacks. We talked about Natives too ("Indians" back then, I now say Indians are only from India) and the riff was pretty much the same - don't hate on them, they got treated badly by white people. they almost got slaughtered out of existence, God loves them too. Now, having read the Bible stem to stern about twenty years ago I understood why Israel's neighbours hated them - they were vicious, imperialistic ratbastards claiming God was on their side, but that didn't make them much different from their neighbours, maybe just the reigning King of the Ratbastards, but that was thousands of years ago so who gives a shit. I'm curious, though, about what your friend has to say. Does she have some good points about bad Jewish behaviour in the past? Because someone said that to me, not in a mean way but sort of thoughtfully, coming out of her Bible studies class. Now, she's a nice mainstream Protestant, not some Bible-thumper. I meant to ask her what she meant but I forgot. Will ask her next time I see her because I *know* her to be a really good, liberal *decent* Christian, the kind I like, not the kind I can't stand. She's no anti-Semite, which is why I want to know what she has to say. Like maybe, "Historically, they did this, this and this," and I might go, "yeah, that was pretty uncool." But I can't imagine she's turning into an anti-Semite and she wouldn't turn me into one. I find it deeply weird that New Agers would be like that, but I'm not in touch with them anymore - I was back when I was a practicing Pagan in CT, there was a lot of crossover in our group. I will ask my Jewish Pagan friend (Jewitch!) who I just saw last night, if she's found anti-Semitism in Toronto Pagans.

I'm laughing, though, about your rabid Jew-hater - I wonder if it's the same one who called me a 'k*k*sucking Zionist asswhore' a few weeks ago here! His profile was sparse, his history on Substack the same, but his profile image was something that looked like a Norse Pagan symbol, *maybe*, not sure since I have only passing familiarity with Norse Paganism, I have friends who are, and I know that Norse Paganism has drawn a lot of white nationalist/supremacist sorts, but not my friends. Although I think a friend of a friend said he'd gone weird white nationalist/Norse Pagan, he's someone I never knew well, but he's my age and I've seen a really weird phenomenon with liberal white people my age suddenly going right-wing/super-Trumpy. It's the *weirdest* thing. Like, perfectly good progressives, even Pagans, going all xenophobic and super-Trump. I never see the opposite happen. Anyway, I laughed when I got called a K-S.Z.A.W. (and a few other things) by this guy and I blocked him too, although Substack's blocking kinda sucks - they can't reply or ping you anymore but you can see all their horse shit.

If you feel comfortable, ask your friend why she said what she did about Jews? Could be educational, either positive or negative. But if you dont' want to ruin the friendship maybe don't do that. It's not that important. I just want to know if people have good reasons for *criitiquing* Jews & Israel. I mean, no one's perfect and that includes them.

Anyway, thanks again for reading and I'll keep my eye on this supremely mind-boggling anit-Semitic lefty question - WTF people??? WTF???? How the fuck can you support people who HATE YOU? But, that said, I'm looking for *legitimate* criticism of Israel & Jews just to try and be more balanced. Am I missing something with the Palestinians? Am I being too anti-Pali? I'm trying to tease the competing propaganda machines apart. Oy ;)

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Sounds like the same jew hater guy was on your site. I was able to completely delete all his comments as well as ban him. I went down alot of bugs bunny holes investigating the israel/palestine thing and every single one led inevitably to the same place. Palestine is offered a really good deal, Palestine refuses really good deal. Palestine then makes war yet again on Israel. Over and over again for 75 years. Because to the Palestinian mind the only acceptable deal is the complete eradication of Israel. The Palestinans have had twenty years and billions of dollars in aid and opportunities to turn Gaza into paradise. Instead they have trashed every possible resource and/or used it to try to invade Israel while proving themselves willing to sacrifice every man woman and child to their god of vengeance with the sole aim of exterminating the jews. It is so tragically monty pythonish that the palestinian mob are the ones screaming they are the victims of genocide when in fact they themselves have been the perpetrators and instigators of genocide. They just are not very good at it. Not from lack of trying tho. If Israel wanted to destroy the palestinians completely they would already be gone. How any intelligent woman can support a country, regime, religion where rape and abuse of women is not only legal but is glorified to god, just shows how self hating so many of us still are and how much we have learned to collaborate with our abusers in order to survive. My own local city council just voted unanimously to support Palestine! Yippee! Let's virtue signal to the world that rape and barbarity are A-okay! Jews have historically been a very successful immigrant minority in countries around the world. They are industrious and smart. They have had to be to survive. A stable society can tolerate a successful immigrant minority. But when that society begins to have serious problems they will turn on that successful immigrant minority and scapegoat them and blame them for those problems. This worldwide uptick in blatant anti -semitism indicates a badly destabilizing world society. There are 1000 times more muslims than jews. There are 1000 times more christians than jews. Judaism is not a conversion religion,

while Christianity and Islam have historically both been forced on others at the point of a sword. I think it deeply disturbs many muslims and christians that not only can they not seem to get rid of the jews, they cannot get hold of their souls. No doubt there are asshole jews. No doubt Israel has done bad things, but neither the jewish people nor Israel have done anything to warrant this level of focused world hatred. It's terrifyingly insane and I believe it has been deliberately orchestrated. Thank the Spirit that some of us are indeed immune to the insanity. According to neuroscientist Dr Michael Nehls, 'The Indoctrinated Brain' About 20% of us have natural mental immunity to lies and propaganda and herd mentality. Others have learned or condition immunity. Our mental immunity is directly physically tied to the health of the hippocampus in our brain. Prolonged fear and isolation and a lack of pupose measurably shrink the size of our hippocampus and compromise our critical thinking. In otherwords the covid lockdowns damaged our collective brains. I think many folks who are not actually anti-semitic are remaining silent or even trying to come up with seemingly reasonable reasons why the jews are hated so much, because they see which way the wind is blowing and they want to survive. The herd instinct is a very deep and strong imperative. To push back publicly against the anti semitism right now is potentially dangerous because the jew hate is so completely conflated with the pro palestinian/hamas mob. My best friend of 40 years is a a pagan jew. I had to laugh at 'Jewitch'! I'll have to to tell her that. I haven't heard it before. For the very first time this Hannukah she did not put her lit menorah in the street side window like you are supposed to. Instead she put it in the back window facing her known and trusted neighbors. A seemingly small thing and she shrugged it off as practical survival measures, but it really bothers me that my dearest friend no longer feels safe to put her holy candles in the front window of her own home. And she lives in a pretty safe neighborhood.

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I consider the kaffiyeh to be a left-wing dog whistle for liberal Nazis. I used to have one, many years ago, back in my belly dancing guys, but I always felt a little uncomfortable with it - I knew it was designed for reasons other than 'Free Palestine' (as though they could ever be free even if God magically wiped Israel free of Jews *and* Hamas), and at that time I wasn't that au courant with Israel/Palestine conflicts. Now I know to stay way from it like I would a swastika. At least the swastika was conceived in innocence and glory but was ruined by that asshole 85 years ago. There's nothing much positive attached to the kaffiyeh.

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Yeah, the kaffiyeh thing is wierd. An Iranian immigrant was talking about how creepy it was to see all these western kids wearing them, since she associates them with the bad guy militia in Iran.

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