'Thank you for the historical lesson in the larger perspecitive of all this, and especially the humor. I had to laugh over your list of 'shalt not utter words'. I have the same problem with the virture signalling indigenous land acknowledgement rhetoric. If they really mean what they say, that we are inhabiting land that belonged to such and such tribe before our evil ancestors stole it, well then why don't they just give it all back? And well the Monty Python situation of officially designating Black Friday as Native American Heritage Day has been food for really bad jokes in native america for sometime now; well at least the part of native america that even knows about it. For those who don't know, Black Friday in anerica is the day after Thanksgiving and it is the biggest national bargain shopping day of the year. Native American Heritage Day was designated such way back in 2008 but I guess they forgot to tell us indians it was our new official holiday and all. Hardly anyone even knows it exists and those who do, mostly don't care. Official types have complained about it not 'catching on'. Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because no one wants to celebrate two holidays back to back and after Thanksgiving eveyone is tired of preparing and eating big meals? Or could it be because we all really really like our bargain shopping more than we like the idea of droppng eveything to honor native americans one day a year? Really the consistent and all pervasive lack of intelligence exhibited by the powers that be just makes me want to stay in bed, eat chocolate and watch old Bugs Bunny cartoons.. But of course that could be seen as predjudicial to rabbits and all the pro-bunny activitsts would then storm my bedroom and carry me away for re-education..........

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Well wait a minute, what happened to Indigenous Day or Native Heritage Day or something? it's newer holiday that was created I think within the last year or two. Along with Juneteenth for the anti-slavery set. I don't remember Black Friday being designated Native American Day. But I miss a lot of news...got two countries to keep track of now ;)

At any rate, Bugs Bunny could get you into a heap of trouble! There's the problematic Michigan Frog routine that promises Free Beer; Witch Hazel, offensive to Wiccans and Pagans (but not me, I think she's hilarious and I'm a Pagan), Yosemite Sam, that right-wing hypermasculine gun psycho, Elmer Fudd, the animal abuser who really ought to give vegetarianism a whirl, gross abuse of classical music (offensive to orchestra conductors), Marvin the Martian (an offensive depiction of a black 'little person' [that's racist AND sizeist AND treats height-challenged black people as though they're from another planet!], Sylvester the Cat (makes fun of people with speech impediments), Foghorn Leghorn (a vicious liberal attack on decent, God-fearin', tradition-defendin' Dixiecrats), Tweety Bird (another offensive stereotype of speech disability AND hydrocephaly)...need I go on??? You should be ASHAMED of yourself for watching such inhumane dreck!!! :)

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I think you mean Indigenous People's Day in October which is supposed to replace Columbus Day and it has in many states. It is not a federal holiday yet, but Biden has declared it. Native American Heritage Day is a completely different holdiay the day after Thanksgiving. It is not a national holiday but a civic one and only a few folks even know about it much less celebrate it. Personally I view it as a virtue signalling attempt to appease the anti-thanksgivng activists and yet another excuse to have Black Friday off work. But hey what do I know? I do watch Bugs Bunny after all. And for all those vegetarians who villify Elmer Fudd, wait until hordes of oppressed and voracious bunnies break into all those lovely organic gardens and munch down on acres of sustainable carrots. I think the save the bunnies brigade will be singing a different tune........Rabbit stew anyone? Guaranteed to be made with all vegetarian bunnies! Yes I am shameless as I cannot pretend that watching supposed politically incorrect cartoons has created every single social problem throughout recent human history. Silly me. Thanks for the really good laugh. The black martian sizeist space alien one is the best. Although the visual I get of tweety bird deliberately making fun of people with speech impediments comes in a close second. I am such a bad bad puddy kat............

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Coming from a French family, which eats anything that doesn't move fast enough (don't ask us what REALLY happened to Jimmy Hoffa :) ), I know how delicious rabbit stew is :) Once enjoyed a 'Bambi & Thumper' meal - venison & rabbit in a hollowed-out hard bun. It was awesome. I respect vegetarians & vegans but I feel sorry for them sometimes :)

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Bambi and Thumper on a bun, YUM! I have lived with a man for 30+ years who eschews meat. Just means I get more to chew, ha ha. It works for us cuz his diet is for health reasons not ethical/spiritual ones. In other words there is no shame coming at me for eating critters with faces. Except….. there was that one time when he told me I was crunching the bones too loudly and zestfully! I don’t have a problem with vegans vegetarians if they don’t have a problem with me. But I have had a few toxic incidents with rabid vegans in the past. One lady cornered me in a kitchen with a knife for daring to cook meat in ‘her’ community kitchen. My take away from that was that violence against animals was verboten but violence against fellow humans was A OK. Just curious, what did you all do with Jimmy Hoffa?

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"Just curious, what did you all do with Jimmy Hoffa?"


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Love the article and the perspective. When my daughter first came home from college, she was incensed about colonialism and our brutality to the indigenous. I said, "You're right. We sucked. But if it hadn't been us, it would've been the Spanish or the Japanese, or any other culture that happened to have ships and guns. That's the way the world worked back then, and still does to some extent." She was of course horrified by my pragmatic response. A friend on FB was lauding Native Americans for not having locks on their varied tents and homes back in the day. My response, "You do understand don't you that they didn't have metal for locks and keys, right?" So yeah, like you, I have no excuses for what my ancestors have done, and all I can do is the best I can do to make the world a better and fairer place. I believe we have more abundance in this country in general than any other humans that have existed on this planet. I am grateful. Especially since with my kind of personality, if I'd have lived in the time of Salem, MA witch trials, no doubt I would have been burned at the stake. I will give thanks and remain hopeful while I share a humongous meal with an eclectic group of friends. Just one last item for consideration: why are progressive liberals so bitter and depressed? What is the chicken and what is the egg? Have a wonderful holiday and thanks for brightening my day!

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Much agreed, and enough already with the sanctifying of other people. I'm not sure why prog libs are so negative, but it seems to be the new pandemic....just a total breakdown on all sides. I think it's clear that mental health is rampant, and here's one possible clue: Jonathan Haidt is working on a book that explores the mental health crisis among the young - and how young progressive liberal women are the *most* depressed. He thinks one big culprit is social media. I'm inclined to agree.

Enjoy your big humongous dinner! And thanks for becoming my first paid subscriber, I am honoured! :) We can fight the good fight by uniting all the level-headed liberals and the rational-thinking righters and drown out the extremists on both sides!

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You may have already seen this but great article: https://thespectator.com/topic/feelings-that-guide-left/ No explanation as to why, but still a fine depiction of the "new pandemic". Agree that social media encourages sheep like behavior, but I think there is more. My gut says it revolves around a lack of purpose in our youth--and the search for something to fill that hole.

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That's one of many theories floated about it. I think it's one piece of many in the puzzle. I'm looking forward to Jonathan Hadit's upcoming book about it.

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