If you’d like to write a guest post for Grow Some Labia, start here!
Grow Some Labia occasionally offers guest posts. If you’re interested in writing one, please submit a brief pitch to growsomelabia at gmail dot com with the words ‘GSL pitch’ in the subject line.
For the moment I’m mostly looking for escape-from-abuse stories with a personal power message, but if you have an idea you think is relevant to another section of my Substack, please feel free to pitch! I’m always open to something new.
Please keep in mind that the core message of Grow Some Labia is to claim or take back your power. It should emphasize your role and responsibility in what happened, what you learned about yourself from it, and what steps you took to ensure you never get trapped like that again. Relationships of any sort require a minimum of two people, and while the abuser’s role can’t be excused, what was *your* role?
Anonymity is always okay. Real names are always okay.
In general, here’s what I’m looking for at Grow Some Labia:
Stories about escaping abusive relationships. This is open to everyone on the receiving end - males, females, gays, lesbians, and transfolk. The abuser doesn’t have to be a romantic partner, so it can be a family member, a friend, a relative, a boss/co-worker, etc., but it does need to emphasize what you did to reclaim your power and what you learned about yourself from it. What advice can you offer others? And while I don’t expect to hear from many reformed abusers, if you want to tell your story, please get in touch!
What I want to avoid is the typical stories we hear in which the end message is, “But I got out and survived.” Good for you, but please have something actionable you can offer others that emphasizes their personal power. A very good illustration of what I want to avoid is my post about Marilyn Manson’s accuser. She had absolutely nothing new to offer women and appeared to have done zero self-examination. You can also check out my section Don’t Be The Victim.
Please pitch me first, and when you submit a story, keep it to 2,500 words. I add my own intros to guest posts and if appropriate, some resource links for others in a similar situation. If it really is a longer story we can talk about splitting it into two separate articles.
Thanks for thinking about a guest post! I look forward to hearing from you!