Jun 21Liked by Grow Some Labia

Very well thought out and informative.

The only thing with which I disagree is your opinion that transgenderism shouldn’t go away. The trans cult has done so much harm not only to children and others , that I sincerely think it should be totally rooted out. You point out that it is probably the most harmful ideology in centuries, and I agree. Many other harmful,ideologies have had dire consequences for people ,but this one tops them all! So why let it continue?

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Well.....why throw the baby out with the bathwater? In the end, transgenderism really is no different from other body mods - more severe and lasting, for sure, but adults can make that decision for themselves. Pretty much everything that's woke is a flaming hot mess. I mean, being antiracist isn't a bad thing, until it becomes (anti-white, anti-Jewish, whitenizing everyone you don't like) racist. Feminism is a good thing until it becomes as misandrist as some men are misogynist. I think we need transgenderism for folks who are intersex, esp now that fewer doctors are making arbitrary choices on a non-obvious baby, with parental input...these folks need to be transitioned later to whatever they feel like as they grow older. We've all heard about the folks for whom one sex or the other was chosen and it never felt quite right, and some of them transitioned later. And I suspect some folks are genuinely gender dysphoric - they feel from a very young age that they should be the other sex, but decades ago no one told them they could transition *right at that moment*. I absolutely don't think children should be transitioned.

We still don't know what causes homosexuality but it's pretty clear that many, if not all, were born that way. Homosexuality is well-established as anamolous but harmless. I don't see anything wrong with a kid *deciding on their own* (without all the cult recruitment crap they get in school) that they'd be more comfortable as the opposite sex. Fine, let them live their lives as they want and then they're old enough they can transition. I just can't say there's absolutely no such thing as the genuinely dysphoric, and the historical literature indicates they *do* exist -- apart from homosexuals and autogynephiles.

I just finished a book by someone who went F2M long before it was cool and it was a great read. I'll be writing about it in the next few weeks. It's a lot more honest than I think a lot of the contemporary stories you see now, with people who have jumped on the fad and have some sinister agenda. This guy did his thing and lives quite happily as a quite passable man, without all the political bullshit and narcissism.

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Jun 20Liked by Grow Some Labia

It's really interesting and tragic how at the same time more and more normal emotions and human experiences have been pathologized and medicalized, severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar, and severe drug addiction have been minimized and shrugged off as "it's their choice" or "just another way of living." Or how the narrative around autism is dominated by the highest functioning, most verbal young adults on the very edges of the newest and constantly broadening autistic diagntic criteria. They create content on Instagram and TikTok claiming more and more common behaviors and life experiences are actually autistic traits while at the same time aggressively denying there is any such thing as levels or severity of autism, effectively erasing the existence of those autistic individuals in most need of intensive intervention and support.

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<sigh> Everyone's an expert now, and the more followers you have the more credible you seem. I seriously feel bad for today's misled, misinformed, mistreated kids. I mean, they're obnoxious as hell but I have to remind myself they didn't raise themselves. I used to slag off the left-wing seeming phobia of pharma, but now I see they were at least partially right.

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Jun 19Liked by Grow Some Labia

Excellent points, my dear. We'll see if the "North American Day of Reckoning" comes. True believers like to move the goalposts argument-wise when confronted with peer-reviewed factual evidence.

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The truth comes for everyone, sooner or later. Remember when no one thought the tobacco companies could be held accountable for their B.S.? Okay, well, maybe you don’t. You might be a tad too young ;)

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Thank you. You describe this madness better than anyone I have read, including the academic brainiacs at Quillette. One day everyone will see the obvious and move on to a different anti-rational craze. Until then, children and teens will continue to be harmed psychologically and physically.

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Thanks, as always, for the kind words :) It saddens me to realize that we never learn as we move from one pseudo-scientific medical or psychiatric craze to the next :(

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Jun 19Liked by Grow Some Labia

We did a great disservice to the mentally ill when we closed rather than reform our antiquated mental health hospitals in the last century. The streets in many of what were once our most beautiful cities are now impassable for normal people because mentally unstable drug addicts are allowed to live there rather than being kept under mandatory custodial care. We simply refuse to say no. No you can't camp in the city.

No you can't shit in our streets. No you can't discard your used needles where children play.

What the fuck is wrong with our leaders who l, as a lifelong Democrat, must admit are mostly of my party? Enough. Perhaps it's time to elect some politicians who will say no.

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Jun 21Liked by Grow Some Labia

Yes, if you can find honest politicians who criticize this ideology, vote fore them!I am afraid you won’t find any Democrats that fit the bill though!

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