This is brilliant. I have argued continually in my own writing that human nature is biologically based, only to be told I can’t say that because there is “no evidence “ for such an assertion. When I was in graduate school (in the 2010s), alongside much younger, deeply indoctrinated people, I was told that it was discrimination to mention any biological arguments. I had to change the topic of my major research paper several times because my advisor refused to consider any criticisms of Derrida or Foucault.

So here we are, like you say, immersed in a salad of vague terms that deny basic biology and allow bullies to call themselves whatever they want and to demand sexual compliance from people who are just trying to follow the signals that nature gave them about which bodies to be attracted to.

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This points *exactly* to how extreme the left takes issues. The 'biological arguments are discrimination' is an extreme reaction to the established conservative habit of using biological differences to discriminate against others (women, POC, etc.) That's why it's now practically an execution-worthy 'offense' to say someone is black, or Chinese, or Jewish....or, now, a female.

It's disgusting that academia has fallen so far down the rabbit hole that it can't distinguish plain fact from fetishistic fancy.

I'm convinced a lot of what drives the so-called 'trans' movement is male sexual fetishism.

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In a few years, when more scientific studies are conducted on transgenderism, some people are going to be pretty embarrassed. I just read an article that links it to being on the autism spectrum. Only anecdotal, but very suggestive.

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Au contraire, they'll just refute the facts. Was with a friend last week who's clearly slipping down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole (left wing, not right wing) and they have a remarkably way of never being wrong no matter what you tell them.

I read an article last year claiming the trans movement was taking advantage of folks on the autism spectrum to recruit. It was from a support group for parents distressed over the teenage trans craze. But yeah, there may be a real link there that has nothing to do with recruiting...but which makes it a lot easier.

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