Facinating insight and I feel the same way. The left seems intent on destroying the feminine and only accepting that the masculine systems have value. How misogynistic is that in reality?

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The pedophiles have already come for our children via surrogacy and progressives are virtuously handing them over.

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I don't understand the connection between surrogacy and pedophilia...

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There is evidence of pedophiles obtaining children through surrogacy. One convicted pedophile in Spain went so far as to open a chain of 4 surrogacy agencies, in Spain and Ukraine, I believe, to facilitate the trafficking of children. I will find and link the article.

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Another thought provoking article. Thank you. I am a middle aged white, straight, cis-gendered male. The only thing non-hegemonic about me is my Jewishness (though to the progressive set I am an imperialist, Zionist, and genocide-loving sociopath). I look at the demands placed on women by trans-women and progressive activists and wonder “what could be more male and patriarchal than a biological man making demands on women to be ________ (fill in the blank with demand)?” From a particular point of view, it’s the most masculine, male thing imaginable, isn’t it?

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Hell yes, and I'm still trying to understand how so-called 'progressive', 'feminist', 'liberal' women can be so easily gaslit. Isn't it blatantly obvious? apparently it's not for many. Yeah, there's nothing more traditionally masculine than demanding that women bow to and prioritize male desires over female ones, and especially female safety. They're such good little girls, doing what they're told.

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Have you read “Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman?” I did years ago, and it red-pilled me. It helped me understand how much cruelty I experienced and saw around me as a young female professional being hazed, bullied, and toyed with by older female colleagues. They effed with me orders of magnitude more than my male colleagues ever did. Ever since, it’s something I can’t unsee. When my husband and I observe the patterns of behavior described in the book playing out in the world, we use its title as a shorthand.

I haven’t followed how current progressive culture views the author, but something tells me it’s likely not favorably.

Thanks for this post!

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It's a problem that has plagued the nursing profession since its inception.

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I haven't read the book, or heard of it. Sounds interesting! I will check it out.

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Woman on woman aggression comes in so many forms while blaming the patriarchy. We need to clean our own house first.

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I agree with pretty much everything you have written, maybe with the small exception of using the M word too liberally. That word has come to stand as a generic label for anything bad or negative that is done to women. While the leftist ideological capture is clearly harming female welfare I struggle to see how the liberals actually are acting out of malice. (They sure have malice for ideological refuseniks)

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True, it has, although it sure is pervasive...among women as much as anyone. What I'm trying to use a little less is 'toxic', as in, anything. Esp masculinity since the regressive lefties pretty much mean anything masculine.

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I am currently drafting an article about something there and abouts. The "standard narrative" places all bad male behaviour on the same spectrum from petty offense to femicide. Therefore asserts that all such behaviour has the same base cause & solution. I am asserting that there are different classes which need a unique approach...

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Oh HELL yeah!!!! Tell it, Brothah Frederick!!!

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Thank you for the kind encouragement - I’ve just been deflated by Victoria’s proposed anti-vilification laws - see Guardian. Will calling a man a man be illegal now? Looks like it… This is already the case in Germany - we have entered the era of “illegal truth”. I hope they won’t find my jokes about THE ADMIRAL.

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"They’re not smashing the Patriarchy, they’re jerking it off."

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Exactly 👏

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“Did misogyny create this myth, or the recognition that women truly can run an enemy into the ground, or in the modern day ruin her life, her reputation, her career, and maybe even drive her to suicide?”

Brilliant truth telling. As we’ve discussed, women are truly the most authoritarian of the populations pushing these harmful ideas about victims and perpetrators. They take a sick pleasure taking down other women and then pretend it was about justice.

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Yes to this.

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After reading the lengthy but incredibly well-written article on pre-European genocide in northern North America, I'm beginning to wonder if female authoritarianism is as much a consequence of 'patriarchy' as we've thought. I wonder if it's wired into us as much as it is in males? Or at least more than we know?

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Can you link that please? I'm curious, haven't come across it.

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Lengthy, but fascinating! Focuses on Canadian Indigenous rather than American history.

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“I wonder if it's wired into us as much as it is in males?”

Of course it is! We’re the same species. To insist on anything else is to imply that sex stereotypes have a biological basis. Women are no more pure and gentle than men. We’re just socialized to be that way.

Most women are raised with feminine socialization and men are raised with masculine socialization. Most people do not question their own socialization and/or become comfortable with it, so the result is a general population of feminine women and masculine men.

Gender nonconforming people are irrefutable evidence that either sex can be born with any combination of traits and personality (dominance, anger, kindness, intelligence, submission, pro-social attitude, anti-social attitude, etc).

I agree with what you’ve written. Women can’t keep insisting they are the peaceful sex whenever it’s convenient, then turning around and viciously bullying, cancelling, shunning, or even attacking others. They are proving just how innately similar to men they are in behavior.

The only difference is how you’re raised. If you’re raised feminine, raised to *appear* gentle, sweet, and harmless, the only difference that kind of upbringing will make for plenty of women is when, where, and how to hide their violent and aggressive tendencies. It’s analogous for being raised masculine: if you’re told you are supposed to be aggressive and dominant, you will obviously have a higher chance of displaying this type of behavior. This explains male rates of criminality.

Of course, plenty of women are truly naturally peaceful and kind, but we have got to stop insisting that females have a monopoly on this type of behavior. Plenty of men are kind and peaceful.

People know this, but hold on to sexist stereotypes anyway because there is conditional safety, acceptance, and personal convenience in them.

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Men are more aggressive; it comes with the testosterone. But women are more likely to commit IPV, likely because there is no cultural taboo against hurting men.

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I'm afraid I have to disagree with the assertion that males and females have no biological basis for behavior. The narrative that all behavior is socialized is one of those progressive myths. Because your premise is questionable, the rest of your argument is, too. And even if you have zero desire to hear an alternative opinion, plenty of research flies in the face of this idea that all behavior is socialized.

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I hear you, and I’m well aware that many people like the idea that sexist stereotypes have a basis in biology. That’s what most people believe because most people are not gender nonconforming.

Gender conformity is quite popular with the traditional and religious crowds, but also with many progressives. Obviously, those seeking a justification for their conformity to patriarchal expectations want to use biology as a cover.

If you want to keep defending that overused stance, you are just going to keep alienating gender nonconforming girls and women (and boys and men). Patriarchy thanks you for your service. (Probably.)

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It must be nice to be so high up above the rest of us. Enjoy the view and the convenient narrative while the rest of us enjoy reality.

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Gotta disagree with you on there being no biological basis to sex stereotypes. I wrote about the differences between male and female brains. The article’s almost three years old so there may be some newer thought or research on it but if you don’t want to read the whole article you can skip down to ‘Sex-based brain differences’. Neither biology nor culture is ‘set to zero’:


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Okay but the idea of “male brained” people and “female brained” people is literally the basis on which transgenderism is founded. Especially true trans.

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I thought it was the 'gendered soul', which has no scientific basis as it's a religious concept.

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Sure, that’s another idea it’s based on.

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And transgenderism based on the idea of sexed brain has zero research backing it up.

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I fail to see how you are "empowering" women - when you hold liberal women who are merely following the guidance of what 80 per cent of the US institutions tell them is in their best interest - to higher standards than women who voted for a man that didn't even love his mother and is an adjudicated rapist and serial adulterer? So liberal women are at fault for not going on an information crusade against all the institutions that are lying to them, if they are lucky enough to find any honest information OUTSIDE of the red bubble?

It somehow is the women's fault for gender ideology - when it was men that invented this wicked ideology? Do you realize how incredibly convoluted the MSM and Trans Activist has made the messaging? How well-monied by billionaires Trans Activist Lobbies are? And all of them run by men or men in women face?

Why not be BRAVE and start calling out the wealthy male corporate interests? It is SO easy to kick women who are already being abused by gender ideology - why not KICK THEM EVEN HARDER?

I get your anger. But it is clearly misdirected, because the people you are attacking are the one's who not ONLY are unwitting victims of the very ideology you are fighting, but have little or no true power to change it. How is it virtuous to ATTACK the very people you are meaning to help? How is this any less fascistic and extreme than the methodology of the Trans Activists?

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I try to hit the points I don't think are being covered enough. There are already plenty enough people writing about the male corporate interests behind the transactivism movement, and I don't think I have anything particularly new or novel to add. I feel where there is an attention gap is in getting women to think about how they empower and collaborate with sexual abuse; how they *allow* themselves by 'Da Patriarchy' in the way of transactivists. I began Grow Some Labia *because* I was tired of all the tired feminist thinking that seemed not terribly helpful anymore - teaching women that they bear no responsibility for their own lives and safety, and especially helping women to understand that in order to be in an abusive relationship, one must *consent* to abuse - if unconsciously. It's taking 'Don't blame the victim' to 'Don't BE the victim'. The first was more valid and understandable when I was young, but forty years later, the world has changed a lot and women have more power. They don't *have* to tolerate bad men, and they need to think more critically.

Now, re women and transactivist lies which yes, have penetrated every institution in America - some women may be excused and others, not so much. The youngest ones probably have never been raised or educated to think critically - and critical thinking has never been popular with either the left or the right, as it can lead one to start thinking critically about which side one is on. But what about the older generations? The oldest Millennials, the Xers, the Boomers? I have friends older than me (I'm 61) who have fallen for this nonsense. They don't get to pretend they don't know any better. The youngest Millennials and the Zeds may perhaps be excused because they were raised way differently than previous gens were.

My anger is directed at women who, frankly, should know a lot better. Who perhaps never grew their feminism and are still stuck in 1980. Who pay lip serve to female agency while denying it at every turn. Who as mindlessly believed every claim of sexual abuse or rape without wondering how many were lying - and we were told women almost NEVER lie about rape - but now some accuse an entire nation of lying about horrific documented rapes last year. Or deny transwomen (men) ever rape.

The world is full of feminists, good and bad, critiquing male contributions to misogyny and female oppression. The world seems more in need of women willing to challenge feminism to be more than it is, to not BE the victim, to not so easily do men's bidding as so many progressives do. Not all the victims of gender ideology are 'unwitting'. They've bought into a cult that they should be old enough and experienced enough to resist. There's something going on here we just don't understand, and I'm trying to get to the bottom of it.

But I understand your frustration with me. Hopefully this explains it a little better.

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Feminism invented gender ideology. Who was the first to do away with the word "women" (or "womyn") in favor of gender woo? Why, that would be Women's Studies, now called Gender Studies at most universities.

As for the horrific rapes you speak of, they are NOT documented. In fact, they are not evidenced at all. This is almost certainly because they never happened.

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I personally do not view these women as "feminists". There is no such thing as a "feminist" who can't/won't acknowledge what a woman even is - or use the word. A "feminist" would absolutely NOT roll over for delusional males who are determined to steamroll women's rights and women-only spaces.

I used to work in domestic violence some years ago, at a shelter. A few months ago I pulled up the org's website - and like every other non-profit & NGO that used to be about assisting/supporting women, I couldn't even find the word "woman" anywhere on the site. I mean not once. It was stunning. Woman and girls by far make up the majority of domestic violence victims.

The left and their trained fembots have literally erased women, just like the democrats and their allies have erased women from the protection of law and policy. And most of these orgs are run by women.

These are not "feminists", at least by any definition that I understand.

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It's just mind-boggling to me how easy gaslit and manipulated these women are. I really, seriously, am trying to figure out what is going on in these women's brains to make them roll over so easily. It's mystifying. Even super-conservative Christian women aren't as mystifying to me as so-called 'liberal' 'feminists' who are so easily manipulated by men cleverer than they, but not as clever as, say, a guinea pig.

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I call them pseudofeminists

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I call them fauxminists.

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I absolutely agree. If we do not agree that men in woman-face are women, then why do we agree to the farce that women who cow-tow to men in women-face are feminists. The Transactivists have proven time and again that every manipulative mind-fuckery they do with the language is NOT to be trusted. Men are not women; Women are not men; and women who believe the privileges of Men who pretend to be women should be prioritized over the rights of women are NOT Feminists. WHY are you conceding to Trans Activists' deceitful terminology in this case? This faux feminism is a miniscule blip in Women's Feminist history - why do you ALLOW them to disparage a tradition that has literally been fighting the creepiest tendencies of Trans Activists prior to these faux feminists started taking orders from TRA post 2014? The TRUE feminists have always been the TERFS - or what I prefer to say WOMEN who have said and STILLY say NO to the excesses of Trans Activism.

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I don't think I have the right to arbitrarily define 'feminism' any more than transactivists or radical feminists or anyone else (the RFs probably wouldn't consider me a 'true' feminist anyway). Yanno, some feminists are 'pro-life' and I won't say they're *not* feminists because of it; I can understand why some people think it's murder, apart from whether the woman has a right to body autonomy or not. I may not like their position, I may completely disagree with it, but I won't call them Trumpian non-feminists or whatever just because they disagree on this point. That falls into the 'woke' cult's purity tests for everything - you MUST agree lockstep on everything or you are a fascist/Nazi/totalitarian etc.

Women who support the trans cult may still support other traditional feminist goals--equal pay for equal work, more household help from men, more women in power, etc. It's not up to me, you, or any other one group or individual to define who is and isn't a feminist. But we should, absolutely, call them out on their pseudo-feminist bullshit and continuously point out that agreeing to do what men tell them to do is *why* feminism started in the first place.

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Well said!

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“Although now with no checks on his authoritarianism, perhaps Trump will enable Christians to legally throw recalcitrant feminists, lesbians, transfolk, and gay men off buildings just as their Gazan brothers do.”

What would that law be called?

How would it come into being?

Is there any historical precedent for a country with a history of democracy as long and robust as America’s employing violence in this way?

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It was………………a snarky remark on my part!

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Gazans don't do any of that stuff.

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