A friend sent me Larissa's essay after I ranted a bit (on my Substack and to her) that I'd come to feel as though a lot of feminism had made "rape culture" worse. I loved that essay, absolutely incredible.

One realization was that the ONLY people who had ever told me that "no one" would believe me re sexual harassment, assaults, rape were feminists ... and I haven't actually had the experience of not being believe when I have said something (I'm lucky I haven't been through something like Larissa Phillips has ... the only sexual assault / rape I experienced that was serious enough for me to consider going to the police, I was so out of it, I think drugged, I didn't think I could correctly identify the guy who did it, and didn't get his license plate despite having the opportunity, showered right away when I got home because that's all I wanted to do, basically did everything wrong, so didn't report ... but honestly, once I realized I didn't get an STI or pregnant I was mostly okay? I figured why be traumatized by something I barely remembered ... Idk but then again I just shared here so maybe I didn't shrug it off as much as I thought!)

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Apr 10Liked by Grow Some Labia

Fabulous. Thank you so much.

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Great piece! If you want more Larissa Phillips, she gave a fantastic interview to the Special Place in Hell pod with Meghan Daum and Sarah Haider March 28.

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