Great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Feb 14·edited Feb 14Liked by Grow Some Labia

Agree. I've noticed a couple of commenters on Substack who might fall of the Nazi side of the ledger sheet, but really, who cares? Like a wokified news program or unpalatable TV show, you're always free to turn the channel. If we want to remain a free country ugly voices are simply that--ugly, but must be allowed unless there's a threat of violence. Keep on doing what you're doing Substack and Nicole. Sometimes it's the whacked-out ugly voices that help us see the truth.

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So the Substack Nazis were something of a mirage. I had no idea-I took the Atlantic article at face value. Thank you for this brilliant expose. Honestly, almost wish I could read this on Medium so I could highlight your hilarious turns of phrase.

Keep on writing your BS exploding commentaries!

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