Great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Agree. I've noticed a couple of commenters on Substack who might fall of the Nazi side of the ledger sheet, but really, who cares? Like a wokified news program or unpalatable TV show, you're always free to turn the channel. If we want to remain a free country ugly voices are simply that--ugly, but must be allowed unless there's a threat of violence. Keep on doing what you're doing Substack and Nicole. Sometimes it's the whacked-out ugly voices that help us see the truth.

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So the Substack Nazis were something of a mirage. I had no idea-I took the Atlantic article at face value. Thank you for this brilliant expose. Honestly, almost wish I could read this on Medium so I could highlight your hilarious turns of phrase.

Keep on writing your BS exploding commentaries!

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I wouldn't call this an expose...more like a lame followup lol. I don't know what the original Nazis that got kicked off were like and if *Substack* kicked them off they had to have been bad. My point is simply that what's left are offensive, but not criminally so, and make them hard to find unless you know where to find them. I mean, if I was an actual white supremacist it would have been difficult to find them. It highlighted for me just what an ideological bubble SS is if you don't challenge yourself. Maybe you shoudl suggest to the support staff PTB to add a highlight featured ;) You CAN make a comment a note at the same time...something I only recently realized and try to do more often, then this morning I was on someone else's article and went, after commetnting, shit, I should have checked the Add as a Note box too! ;)

I think most of the boring Nazis are here, but I can't swear there aren't worse....I didn't turn this into a week-long project ;)

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