I am happy to say I have also won a war with these little bastards. How they got into my flat I'll never know since I lived there 3 years w/o issues and brought in no new furniture.

Anyway I can definitely recommend sealing in plastic as the solution - as long as you seal in all the goodness everywhere. I sealed my mattresses (2 stacked instead of a bed base) and my office chair where there was a 2nd colony. After a few months they were dead - I left in on for ages to make sure apparently they can survive 70 days w/o bloodsucking you. If anyone is looking for advice the above definitely works.

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Glad to hear you beat the beasts. My understanding is they can live for up to a year without feeding. I did seal my two mattresses although I haven’t done it to my couch. I really did have a low infestation and I’ve had no problems since. I don’t know where I got them either although I live in an apartment complex and I know we’ve had bedbug problems in other parts of the building—it’s part and parcel to living in the big city. And, BTW, I’ve been in my apartment for 16 years now! It’s a wonder I had to wait this long. I do, however, need another cockroach bombing soon….

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What a nightmare. I’m glad you got through it with such good humor. And wit. Congratulations!

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Kudos to you for handling this so well. You took responsibility for your perspective and made it work for you. Thinking like a victim just adds an additional burden to dealing with an already difficult situation. It's not easy to detach from a victim mentality, but I have found that with a lot of mindfulness and hard work it eventually diminishes.

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