(Sigh) The first half of this was genuinely interesting in its self-discovery. I get the pain, the angst of tongue-biting patience, and the quality of the advice. Why then the second half, a completely unnecessary and unrelated screed against trump and his people? And note the assumptive perspective re trans ideology, followed immediately by a plug for Marxism. I appreciate the deference to self-flaw, and would regard that as cause for congratulation. as such is indicative of a drawing away from narcissism, but the devolution into verbal "comfort food" shows a lack of conviction by the author. (Just to preempt any thought in that direction, my ref to comfort food is purely a literary convention.)

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This is actually a repurposed article I did on Medium a few years ago (the first to deplatform me for criticizing trans ideology). I think Trump was still in office when I wrote this. I'm not sure what you mean by 'assumptive perspective' re trans ideology, although I think there's a pretty fair bit of assholery in that quarter. Not sure about the plug for Marxism. Dude, I read Communist Manifesto in college forty years ago, and saw a few Marx Brothers movies after that, so not sure what makes me Marxist (although I know the left gets accused of it a lot...pretty sure I'm not Marxist but tell me what you think qualifies!)

Anyway, thanks for reading and weighing in!

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Brilliant. Way to lead by example! I'm starting to think your asshole gene (if you even have one) is recessive. No matter -- I'm still glad I found you!

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Well thanks for reading and subscribing! I think humanity is born with an asshole gene and it's up to us to squoosh it as best we can. I can still be an asshole but I'm definitely getting better which I know because I've dealt with some VERY challenging people this year who have not triggered me into assholery :)

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Stay strong & grow some, friend. I’ll do the same. 💪🏻💕

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Reminds me of this old Frank Zappa song. It's as true today as it was 45 years ago:


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