Sep 2, 2023Liked by Grow Some Labia

Perhaps your last comment was harsh, but nothing you said prior to that point was untrue. There is something deeply wrong and narcissistic about this culture. I can't begin to explain it really, especially the parents who don't seem to understand that kids change on a daily basis--particularly teenagers. Do they not have another older adult to speak with or have they completely forgotten their own stop and start adolescent passage? Are they simply sheep believing propaganda at the risk of their children? I can understand how a young teenager could be seduced by promises of a solution to their problems, but how can their parents buy that crap? These studies you mentioned can't be published soon enough. I'm fairly certain they'll be labeled misinformation once they hit the streets, but serious medical studies have a way of getting around the gatekeepers. Sooner is better!

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I understand most of your ire is directed to the trans children question, but I do respectfully disagree with how you ended the article, and as such I would like to pose the question -- if the service offered by the government were 'for any adult, we provide the best health care and social services we can, so that they can have the strongest mind body connection" would you support that? I think this general, abstract framing allows for both the kind of state we have today, which provides medical services so trans people can change sex, but also would allow for a kind of state where gender is socially deconstructed, where women and men are granted greater freedoms and more outlet for gender based envy, where romance has many different scripts (not just the 'marriage plot'), and where jobs valued individual capabilities over assumptions of group characteristics.

Would you support that? Gratitude is good. But spoken to either trans people, or disabled people, is condescending. Using your logic in this article, would you say to a paraplegic he should stop complaining because he's not as bad off as a quadriplegic? You could, but it's cold, and it suggests a refusal to believe things can change for the better.

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