Apr 10Liked by Grow Some Labia

Wow you’ve called it! I stand with JK Rowling and I don’t have a label for myself. I’m 100% womban though! I have two daughters one of whom is taking testosterone at the moment age 18 (19 in a few days) because she just “knows” it will solve “all” her delusional problems ‘coz the Internet said so! Emma Watson is an immature, uninformed, ungrateful child who needs to take a closer more critical look at herself and try to remember the saying “Never bite the hand that feeds!” My younger daughter will benefit from this advice too. That is when she stops blaming everyone and everything for her “plight”: being a privileged, talented, highly educated, young intelligent woman who is acting like a numbskull without a critical thought in her head. What a waste!🤦‍♀️

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"Emma Watson is no feminist."

She's literally a feminist spokeswoman and an ambassador for UN Women, which is a pro feminist organisation at the very top of the social/ political hierarchy.

If Emma Watson is not a feminist then feminism cannot be said to be a movement - and must be redefined as a disparate mob of wildly competing interests, ambitions and contradictory viewpoints..... a mob who only agree on one thing: that flying the banner of 'women' is in their economic and political interests because we are an inherently gynocentric species - both men and women - which means we are all hard wired to support anything which claims to benefit women and burden men (he for she).

Most feminists are pro everything trans, as are most pro feminist organisations, pro feminist corporations and pro feminist governments. Feminism's social construct theory also puts feminism in the modern trans/ queer theory camp.

"In the olden days, feminists fought for women’s rights"

The Women's Rights Movement was separate to feminism, and distinct from it because it did not promote feminist ideology.

The WRM effectively disbanded after women gained equal rights to men (and then some). Feminism continued for several more decades, inventing ever more demented ideas about gender along the way, right up to the present day. Today feminists spearhead both the trans everything movement AND the GC movement.

As a result, the topic has become extremely polarised, emotionally charged, low resolution and incapable of any kind of constructive dialogue. This is not helping young people who desperately need the adults to do more than just use 'trans' as a vehicle to further their own ideological, political and career ambitions.

"Many are afraid to challenge the Watsonites, fearing life-destroying cancellation for daring to speak truth to trans-identified male authority and its good little handmaids."

Giving the issue of 'trans' a male gender (essentially 'trans' = 'the patriarchy') is just feminism putting a skirt onto patriarchy theory. It also completely erases the lived experiences (and often suffering and confusion) of a whole population of trans identified girls and women - presumably because they are of no use for the feminist cause (to define men as an all powerful threat and women as powerless victims).

"Let’s just call Watson what she is: A men’s rights advocate"

Emma has never advocated for men to be given equal rights to women (or equal treatment) in areas like:

access to gender specific medical care

access to shelters and refuges

child custody

male genital mutilation

reproductive autonomy

the draft

paternity fraud

workplace deaths

criminal court bias

parental entrapment


domestic violence

... so it's incorrect to label her a men's rights advocate, unless your aim was to imply that giving men equal rights to women and equal treatment would somehow endanger women.

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Apr 8Liked by Grow Some Labia

The very reason why the trans activists are so outspoken and over represented is because they are men with men’s brains and no amount of drugs or surgery will change that. The reason you don’t hear about trans men is because they are women and typically not as aggressive and outspoken as men.

I really don’t understand why Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint have all turned their backs on the person that made them famous. When the tide turns it will be fun to watch them trying to deny it all regain their credibility, well I for one will not forget and they can all go and suck on some girl dick that they seemingly love so much.

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Apr 8Liked by Grow Some Labia

That word 'deserve' in the first tweet is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Reminds me of Glinner's insight that Ts are a sacred caste: uniformly virtuous, and can do no wrong

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donating to mermaids is 😬😳😱🤢

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May 9, 2023Liked by Grow Some Labia

About twenty years ago or so Andrew Sullivan wrote a piece for the NYTimes Magazine about his experience of going on testosterone. It was illuminating, and it made me dislike him so thoroughly that I've never been able to read anything he's written since.

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Feb 10, 2023Liked by Grow Some Labia

This was an excellent read!

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Violent, aggressive trans women are truly scary just like all violent, abusive men. Camille Paglia stated the obvious in her 1990 book Sexual Personae: aggressive, dangerous male behavior has its roots in testosterone and other predominantly male hormones. For years afterward, mainstream feminists denounced her for saying that sexuality and gender were physical realities, that hormones affect human behavior. Ironically, students at the university where she teaches recently tried to have her fired for her “harmful” ideas about art.

How we got to this point is mind boggling. Leftists want inclusivity, but, like many humans, feel the need to take things to extremes. If women were traditionally not believed when they were raped, then all women must be believed. If gay people were discriminated against for their sometimes unconventional gender expression, then all gender expressions must be enthusiastically affirmed to the point of allowing dangerous medical procedures for minors. This kind of black-and-white thinking, this constant swinging of the pendulum from one extreme to another, is harmful and prevents society from truly progressing to a more humane, cooperative state.

It seems like we just want to fight each other and that life without violent confrontations with imagined enemies is not worth living.

Not feeling great about the human species at the moment.

This is a truly original analysis of the problem of male aggression. I love how you show that the in-your-face pugnacity of activist extremism is no more attractive in a pretty wig and makeup than it is with a beard and wide beater shirt.

Keep on telling this story until people wake up.

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