Mar 7Liked by Grow Some Labia

We seem to be on a seesaw, and I'm not sure we have enough people willing to get on it in the middle to even it out. I wrestled with critical race theory and intersectionality back in the 90s, before it moved from academia and got processed into memes for social media. There was some validity to it, I thought, but it was already becoming a hammer with which to bludgeon mostly well-meaning white female social workers, social work being one of the areas where it took off like wildfire. It's only gotten worse from there, as difficult and complex concepts got flattened and rendered meaningless at best and hateful at worst.

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Mar 6·edited Mar 7Liked by Grow Some Labia

And of the mountains of statistical data showing differing levels of heritable (genetic) traits among racial and ethnic groups, often ones vastly more important to society than skin color or athleticism? Is such knowledge and its pursuit supremacist, racist, or simply impolite? Asked in good faith by a non-tribalist (or a rabid one from a tribe with just one member).

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