And of the mountains of statistical data showing differing levels of heritable (genetic) traits among racial and ethnic groups, often ones vastly more important to society than skin color or athleticism? Is such knowledge and its pursuit supremacist, racist, or simply impolite? Asked in good faith by a non-tribalist (or a rabid one from a tribe with just one member).

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I'm not quite sure what you mean?

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Mar 7
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Yeah, not so long ago I was a little embarrassed to say "Transwomen aren't women," but I knew I was being dishonest, so I ditched it and went full-bore gender critical. There was much about it I didn't understand yet, about 5-6 years ago. I've been on board with annoying feminists with my feminism for much longer, about forty years :) Critical theory and intersectionality are, I think, small slices of a much larger pie - worth hearing out, they make some good points, but they shouldn't - especially 'intersectionality', which ultimately ends at the individual - be used to bully and intimidate others, as the woke are clearly wont to do. I'm done with the rank bigotry and discrimination that has become wokeness, and BTW, we ARE the very large Murky Middle of public debate - the woke AND the MAGAs together equal about 8%! But SJWs (whichever side), like chihuahuas, make the most noise ;)


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