Thanks for the review! I'll give it a try when it becomes available on streaming. Although there will always be whackos on both sides, I continue to believe most of us can see the truth if given the chance. I'm glad there are people/journalists like you willing to take on the craziness and challenge the corporate (dem) media's narrative on woke.

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Thanks, although I’m not a journo. I am, however, looking to learn some journo skills now that (she said foolishly, tempting the John Lennon god) this eventful year seems to have slowed down and I have time (and a marketing budget) to take some online writing classes.

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I haven't seen "Am I Racist" yet but "What is a Woman" absolutely exposed assumptions that amount to post- modern magical thinking. No one else is as effectively dismantling the teetering- tottering, now toppling ivory tower of critical theory. As you well point out, the public absolutely "gets it."

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