Apr 3Liked by Grow Some Labia

Children can no more "consent" to have their healthy breasts and genitalia removed or take puberty blockers than they can

"consent" to have sex with an adult.

Similarly, parents and doctors can no more approve such permanent mutilation simply because a minor child desires it than they can approve pedophilia.

Ultimately society will see the truth and ban the practice as we have banned female genital mutilation. Do people support that practice if the parents consent? I truly hope not

It is monstrous to believe otherwise and those who do will ultimately be held to account for their actions.

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Apr 3Liked by Grow Some Labia

To whom you are attracted sexually is purely subjective and therefore cannot reasonably be contested by an outside observer. Where you decide to live your life on a spectrum of superficial, stereotypical male to female attributes (and we all do) is also purely subjective and similarly cannot be questioned. However, your biological sex reflects an objective reality which cannot be changed by your subjective personal view and futile attempts to do so can result in serious health impacts to you as well as actual harms to members of the sex you are impersonating (especially women). Finally, others who are grounded in objective reality should never be forced to accept your subjective version of your actual biological sex.

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I was in my local bookstore recently, and I saw a copy of New York Magazine with the Andrew Chu's article taking up the entire front cover. I was shocked, mainly because I misread the masthead and thought it said The New Yorker, and I didn't want to have to stop reading one of my favorite magazines!

Well, now I know I which magazine to never subscribe to. But I digress.

This article beautifully, (if sarcastically-but that's why I love Grow Some Labia) critiques a certain toxic mentality that has become dominant in Western society: the idea that all self-identified groups who claim oppression must be accommodated, even if the basis of their putative oppression is arguably nonsensical and open to dispute. And also that anyone who disagrees with the concept is an oppressor. I'm not saying there is no such thing as transphobia or gender dysphoria, but the "remedy" for these issues (surgical and hormonal therapy) is often unproblematically accepted and is potentially dangerous. The WPATH files clearly show that more study is needed before society decides willy-nilly to cave into the aggressive demands of trans activists.

This article is one of the most comprehensive critiques that I have read on this issue.

There is a wonderful article in Quintette that came out in February. The author, a trans man, writes about how he stopped living in a fantasy world and learned to accept his male biology. I encourage everyone to read it: https://quillette.com/2020/02/02/i-may-have-gender-dysphoria-but-i-still-prefer-to-base-my-life-on-biology-not-fantasy/.

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Mar 29Liked by Grow Some Labia

Frankly, I’ve had it with the trans cult..anything they say is a lie ..they are so convinced of their own lies that they can’t see the truth and don’t want to see reality if it hit them in the face!I’m so fed up with them that I won’t waste my time reading anything they say.. they are a cult, and cults lie ! That anyone can take them seriously is unbelievable!,

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Mar 28Liked by Grow Some Labia

This article identifies an actual major argument, even legally, as in: "Hey, providing blockers followed by T is just the same as precocious puberty, etc. And I agree this is absurd, not just because there exists an underlying physical condition in one case but also that kids are not mini-adults.

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What could have been a great article is reduced to a mediocre one by its obsessive framing into women oppressed by men. This muddles the otherwise impressive clarity of what is so desperately sick about everything “trans.”

I really don’t care that Andrew Chu is too tall to fear rape, I care a lot more about children railroaded into destructive “therapies,” but the constant refrain of male oppression keeps shorting the circuit of the argument.

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This is sheer Lysenkoism.

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