There's a new global courage to call out bad behavior, culture and values of previously untouchable groups. Accountability is for *everyone*. Including Islam's horror-storied problems with modernity
I understand where you're coming from, and I'm not going to try to persuade you otherwise. I would however suggest you come back a week from today (Wednesday) to see my next article on Islam, about Islamophobia vs what I call Islamojustifobia: The properly understood threat of Islam vs those who think anything in a hijab or a turban is a threat.
I might, however, favour a blanket 'Islam ban' for a specified period of time to give that part of the world time to do some self-reflection. If they haven't learned anything, extend it.
Don’t worry. Israel will murder, maim and ethnically cleanse a lot of these people for you. Keep up the great work spewing hatred and manufacture more consent for USA wars and get rid of a few million more for you.
Not putting up with their shit anymore would be a very good start. If Western countries stopped allowing Muslim immigrants they wouldn't have anywhere to go to escape their crazies.
Please save the obligatory liberal screeds against Christianity in the mould of some supposed ‘fairness’ and ‘balance’. It’s boring and silly.
You are comparing apples with Improvised Explosive Devices.
The Bible is utterly unlike the Koran.
You have precisely Christ, Christianity and Christendom to thank for holding back the tides of Islam from Europe for millennia to enable you to have the liberty, equality and freedom (and technology) to write your articles on the internet.
Be more grateful to your forefathers.
Choose your own apostasy by any means - by the grace of God it is part of his mystical plan for the salvation of your soul - but Islam would afford you no such tolerance. Remember that and save your primary-school level atheist apologetic for your agnostic friends.
Your knowledge of the history of late-antiquity and medieval Europe is sorely lacking. You believe too much the indoctrination of the modern zeitgeist. I would encourage you to research and read more good history before replicating untruths about ‘The Dark Ages of Christianity’. The reason the Islamic Golden Age was so golden and they had so much learning is because they conquered all the wealthy, educated parts of Christendom with the best libraries.
Otherwise, great piece. Keep up the good work! I just recommend you read more history of late antiquity and the Middle Ages. 🙂. Women’s liberation didn’t begin in 1970, it began with the birth of Christ and is evident in the growing autonomy and value of women throughout the long history of the cultures he influenced.
Ah, I see I triggered another Christian. Not sure why you're so sure you know more about Christianity than me, although if you're practicing the religion you're more up to date than me, I'm an apostate of thirty years. But I have done a lot of reading on both Christianity and Islam and I can speak at length about the vicious methods of torture instigated by the Church's many inquisitions in the Middle Ages. The 15th century in Europe: Now *there* was a dangerous time to be drawing breath!
I don't even know what to make of your comment about women's liberation. Christ himself comes across as feminist in the Bible, too bad there's no historical evidence he ever existed. And St. Paul, who IMO came to define the new religion far more than Jesus, was no feminist himself.
Well good luck to you. You can be apostate, but to think Jesus of Nazareth never existed is bad history. Like I say, you’re smart, but you don’t know half as much history as you think you do.
I am not Islam phobic. I am against sick, twisted individuals who use their religion to hide behind and say that everyone else is an infidel piss on Islam.
Your username is absolutely hilarious and some of this commentary was not completely retarded (though there was a fair bit of ridiculous liberal screeching in various pearl clutching about the allegedly virtuous Muslims, all five of them, that exist in the UK).
You do need to specify what this passage refers to: “She extensively describes the way these extremist psychopaths twist the Koran to cloak gang rape and sexual torture in religion, in a manner which will be familiar to Bible readers whose own holy book is also pretty graphically horrific to women and has been used to justify horrific misogyny through the ages.”
Please go find language in the Bible that justifies gang rape and sexual torture. Chop chop will wait.
I didn't say it did. But the Bible does require rape victims to marry their rapists (which horrified me as a young girl), makes it clear that women are chattel and probably the most famous misogynist twisting is of the story of Adam and Eve, where Genesis curses the woman to give birth in pain because she disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit. He further commanded that her husband would rule over her (Adam got punished too, but clearly he got off a little easier.) Many theologians over the centuries used that to justify much harsh treatment of women since the Fall was all our fault or something. Even after ether and other drugs were developed to lessen the pain or put her out, some doctors mandated that she should not be given them because it wasn't in accordance with God's intention for her.
That bitch Mother Theresa was one of them.
I don't think the Bible is nearly as misogynist as the Koran, and Goddess knows Christianity was never one much for FGM, but the Bible has been used to justify many different heinous acts and of course, it absolutely normalizes and justifies conquest, taking women and children as spoils, and demonizing one's enemies.
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with demonizing one's enemies. For someone who likes to take a shit on the Bible you are completely infiltrated by the same fagoty empathy nonsense as a typical gutless Christian.
Oh man, you should have seen me in my heyday!!! I used to write anti-fundamentalist Christian articles for a small town alternative newspaper in New England. The local fundies were so triggered they should have joined the NRA :)
Wait a minute. I thought you read some of the comments on that Islam article? You said specifically you did. I triggered a LOT of people with it. Including you! I am DA QUEEN!!! <bows to thunderous applause>
Okay, chickie-boo, I can see you've decided to be part of the problem rather than the solution. Hate hate hate, that's what AmeriKKKa is all about now, isn't it. Doesn't matter which side of the partisan divide you're on, you're allowed to HATE indiscriminately because that's the new American way. You disgust me. How mighty America has fallen. I see you're a fan of that loser Alexander Dugin. Typical. Ronald Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.
🤣🤣🤣 I hope Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave because as a California resident he's the one who cursed us with these fucking illegals (some of which are adorable some of which are absolute filth, but all of which need to go). You're a typical leftist bimbo. You have absolutely no concrete takes. Just a hodgepodge of snark, girlboss vibes and ephemeral feelings cobbled together in an insatiable quest for the attention that you will never actually receive.
I don’t take you seriously, sweetie. You’re not interested in genuine engagement, and you came in here flaming with the snark. You’ve got a superiority complex and I read a GREAT article the other day on how to handle trolls…and here you just dropped into my lap, a crazy-ass Russian nationalist whackjob who’s so far right I’ll bet Ronald Reagan’s going, “Girl, that’s just extreme!” So let me just set you straight: I am NOT a typical leftist! Bimbo, okay…i can’t deny that. I’ve even got albums full of photographic evidence :) I lean left, but not so far my brains fall out. I like conservatives too, but only the ones who don’t let their brains fall out. I guess that eliminates you. BTW, thank you for helping to boost my article more with your comments. Retarded or not, every comment on an article helps ;)
Oh yes what credible writer doesn't praise their own work as, "a GREAT article" 🤣 This little centrist schtick that you're trying to pull off is really boring.
And as I expected, once pressed the "graphically horrific" passages don't exist. Far be it from you, liberal white women from a futureless failed generation, to fail to genuflect to the woke by smearing the bible with a false implication that it contains "graphically horrific" passages on the treatment of women. You start off with a complete falsehood an oft cited passage from Deuteronomy, whilst completely ignoring the corresponding passage from Exodus which clarifies that she does not have to marry the rapist and the father can hold the rapist financially liable on court without requiring marriage.
Anyway I'm not really interested in educating you on the bible or any other elements of history, because the broader point here is your own pathetic duplicity - there is no equivocation to be made between the Judeo-Christian world and the Islamic world with regards to anything around the treatment of women, human rights, inbreeding, bestiality, child sexual abuse, and overall degeneracy. You're too cowardly and too captured by wokeism to take an honest point of view on any of this. And anyway you're just a simple basic bitch seeking attention. If you are trying to go the "vaguely center right art hoe" route to stay relevant, you better be extremely thin and extremely beautiful because the quality of your discourse is room temperature ass.
Oh, I see you can find the contradictions in the Bible yourself! You're right, the Bible says one thing one place and then another thing somewhere else, *just like you do with the Koran*, picking out the verses that support your mindless hate and ignoring those that say the opposite. Have you ever actually *read* it? I have, but I'll bet you haven't. Of course you would do the same with the Bible, which contradicts itself all over the place (so much for being the inerrant word of God, it was already a bloody mess by the time King James got his mitts on it). Pick what you like and ignore the rest. I'm not extremely thin or extremely beautiful which I expect is a very fortunate thing today as I won't be turned into a concubine for some old fat fuck (or several) like a younger, prettier woman. I'm sure the Christian nationalist vision for America will be more to your liking, you'll find it's just as awful and evil as the worst of the Islamic world but maybe you'll get lucky, maybe you'll be a finger-chopping auntie if you're not pretty enough yourself to be Jeff Bezos's concubine in his underground New Zealand bunker. Enjoy the gross sexual abuse, you voted for it. Or be murdered for being too old or not attractive enough to suck anyone's dick. You might be pretty though, which means you have a fine future ahead of you as a baby machine.
By the way you stupid bitch. Why would any woman in America be sexually abused? Shooting things for fun is my fucking hobby. Your desire to be a victim is just masterbatory and it's frankly an expression of the grim reality that no one is pursuing you. Because no one is pursuing you, you need to inject drama and sexual intrigue into your life some way. Keeping yourself in this ridiculous pretend state of fear that the country is about to turn into the handmaid's tale is truly embarrassing. You were the poster child for female liberal mental health crises.
Hey baby, since you're such a fan of my work I'd like to invite you to return a week from this Wednesday when I'll publish an article about Islam that's even MORE positive than this one! It'll send you over the top, I promise. You'll probably lose it in your pants when you read it. I can tell you enjoy being triggered. Been reading about rise of the Woke Right Snowflake :)
Bro your parents aren't even a fan of your work? 🤣 I get it. You saw that the Red scare podcast girls were getting attention and you thought maybe you could try to do some voice of centrism similar thing and maybe someone would pay attention you too. The problem is you're probably a four and the quality of your thinking is absolutely embarrassing. Hang it up dude just go be a dental hygienist or something. Have an actual life stop trying to be the intellectual that you aren't. 💕
🤣🤣 that comment about your relative appearance compared to the quality of your discourse really hit the mark eh? Fully spiraling. You are such a joke. Let me break this down for you - You dumb bimbos always go to the handmaid's tale not because it's your greatest fear because it's your greatest desire. Let me be all the way real with you - you are too dumb and not attractive enough to be fit to compete and live the life you want to live under capitalism. So unless you've got Mommy and daddy money which I doubt you do, you have a deep visceral desire for someone to figure your stupid life out for you. The entire read on the handmaid's tale through the lens of some dumb feminist nonsense was wholly wrong. It's a fantasy not a nightmare. I say this from experience. I'm an oddly good looking freakishly intelligent aggressive American Jew. There is no dream I have not chased down I'm literally living my dream. I'm deeply grateful for this but I'm also exhausted. The girl boss stuff is hard. Even when you're insanely talented it's hard.
Anyway I hate to deprive you of your fantasy, but Trump is not a Christian nationalist he's not a white supremacist. He's basically a Democrat from the '80s. Dude has appointed one of the most ethnically diverse cabinets in American history. He's appointed the highest ranking openly gay official in American history. You're going to have to find another kink. Have you considered moving to the UK? You actually would be victimized there. It could give you a whole new appreciation for your own manufactured suffering. You idiots need to sober up. This shit is infantile. You should be embarrassed.
Trump is definitely not a Christian nationalist. He'd have to be a Christian for that to happen. Then again, most of the Christian nationalists aren't Christian either. CINOs!!! :) He definitely doesn't hire like a white supremacist - he doesn't care what you look like as long as you're loyal to him. But, as with the woke left, competence is still right out. Think about that the next time you fly on an airplane. They're no longer piloted or controlled by woke morons. They're piloted and controlled by YOUR (loyalist) morons. Happy flying ;)
This is such a sad attempt to land a point. Girl this is my best advice to you and I mean that sincerely - If this is just some little intention seeking side quests that's great carry on. Please do not ever believe that you have what it takes to monetize your thoughts. I've seen so many young people waste years thinking that they're actually going to be some kind of artist, writer, etc. spare yourself the heartache.
Just some personal thoughts here, for what they are worth:
"The progressive freeze on free speech is lifting..." Sadly, not in the UK. Here the freeze is reaching cryogenic levels and still falling. We are soon to have a specific law of Islamophobia imposed on us, despite no-one in Goverment or elsewhere is able to comprehensively define the term. As we have a principle in practical law that it's not the words and actions of an "offence" that is important so much as the perceived offence that is supposedly inflicted on the "victim" by such words or actions.
"... Western countries are more closely scrutonizing Islamic country immigrant applications". The United(?) Kingdom likely (given its embarrassingly large majority) to allow ALL immigrants, legal and illegal, free and unvetted entry and citizenship without question or argument.
Laatly, your references to the Bible and misogyny and prevaricating over who to hate and when (or not) is disingenuous. The Old Testament is laid down as a history from the Creation to the Coming which includes a lot of "smiting" (though NOT by Christians, obviously!) but practising Christians are taught to follow the Gospel of the New Testament as preached and practised by your "hippie guru", others' Messiah or Saviour. Any "Christian" today who practises misogyny or "smiting" is in serious need of repentance or is not really a Christian at all.
Yes, the UK has been famously, for many years now, weaning everyone off free speech which is tragic. The free speech freeze here is lifting at least temporarily because of Donald Trump, who is no friend to fee speech overall - he's famous for suing his critics into silence, rather a lot like the $limentologists and his buddy the Muskrat. Really, we've swapped one toxic authoritarian cult for another.
Christians to follow the NT primarily but they're also enjoined to take the lessons of the OT; our Biblical literalists (not sure how many of those you have in the UK) take it seriously from stem to stem, with a lot of hypocritical interpretations and choosing which laws to take seriously and which to ignore (homosexuality bad, God says so! Stoning adulterers, no!) In the US at least (we don't seem to have them in Canada, although maybe they're just quieter here) they go with both books.
Are you English? The fact that you can't distinguish between the First amendment and a libel lawsuit is really extraordinary. I don't mean to alarm you but... There's a very strong chance you are in fact fucking retarded.
I’ve been forced to think about cousin marriage more in the past year than I ever would have ventured to or wanted. And one thing I learned is that cousin marrying cultures are the ones most controlling of women and most abusive. The tribal logic seems to go that our women are ours and if you don’t control YOUR women, then they will be ours, too! And this goes will all kinds of other clannish violence extending past sexual conquest.
These types of cultures have clan violence baked into the equation. Consider US Appalachia which is a punchline or incest and blood feuds and consider that they are downright cosmopolitan compared to even modern day Pakistan which is a majority inbred cousin marrying population.
You might have a point. It's an interesting point because as I understand it, first cousin marriage isn't as genetically harmful as once thought, although the around 100-year-old incest taboo surrounding it can still be a powerful force. It wasn't terribly uncommon among Europeans, even in the New World, to marry cousins. I'm not sure how abusive they were although they were certainly controlling--something we could say about all generations of men before First Wave feminism began slowly changing things. In my mother's day, it would have been unheard-of for her to marry a cousin although she was very close with one of her first cousins. One of her distant aunts, I think, a generation perhaps before Mom, was pressured by her family to marry her cousin even though she didn't want to; he was considered, in their eyes, "a good catch," meaning he made a decent living. Never mind the fact that he was an alcoholic, this was the years before Friends of Bill W.
Because of the more recent scientific belief that cousin-marrying is okay (as opposed to brother-sister marriage which the Egyptians proved was a bad idea), I'm not sure I can link it definitively to truly abusive/violent cultures. We may have banned something based on misinformation, although I don't really want to see it come back (and that's an emotional, not rational feeling).
Appalachia is famously violent but they've managed to become a bit more civilized. Our part of the world pretty much requires it; the Islamic world, by and large, doesn't.
The issue of cousin marriage may actually be highly relevant - but its a bit more complicated... There are actually two types: cross-cousin and parallel-cousin marriage patterns, and although both cause genetic problems, the latter *accumulates them over generations. And this is the type endemic in ME and Muslim cultures. Its mostly to do with controlling inheritances within the family and creates clannish tribal social structures.
There is a controversial Danish psychiatrist Nicolai Sennels whos tackled the subject there. Also a blogger called HBD Chick who has written about it - really worthwhile reading:
Wow, that was an interesting article! I had no idea cousin marriage might well explain much of why the Middle East is the way it is. Keeping it within the lineage certainly doesn't encourage much exploring outside the group, which is problematic in an age where the rest of the world is at your doorstep whether you like it or not. Food for thought....and maybe for a future article.
Oh, that looks good! Pinned to my taskbar so I can listen after I'm done with the podcast I'm listening to. Would love to get into the weeds on that one.
A country that turns it's back on protecting it's children or is prepared to sacrifice them for some cultural ideology, is a failed state. The UK is a failed state.
Remember, ALL the laws of Islam (such as illegal homosexuality) are quite acceptable under one condition: jihad. As long as you are a jihadi you can do ANYTHING YOU WANT including drinking, debauchery, homosexuality, drugs - anything (with exception, of course, to apostasy). Just as long as you are actively killing infidels, it's all good.
Every year should be a bad year for every child molester.
Don’t agree.
Cannot afford to bring in followers of Islam at all.
I don’t care that there are good, this is a religion like no other for terrorism.
we don’t need it, so no. No Islam.
I understand where you're coming from, and I'm not going to try to persuade you otherwise. I would however suggest you come back a week from today (Wednesday) to see my next article on Islam, about Islamophobia vs what I call Islamojustifobia: The properly understood threat of Islam vs those who think anything in a hijab or a turban is a threat.
I might, however, favour a blanket 'Islam ban' for a specified period of time to give that part of the world time to do some self-reflection. If they haven't learned anything, extend it.
Don’t worry. Israel will murder, maim and ethnically cleanse a lot of these people for you. Keep up the great work spewing hatred and manufacture more consent for USA wars and get rid of a few million more for you.
We have to break their barbarism before they can engage with the moral and educated first world.
Not putting up with their shit anymore would be a very good start. If Western countries stopped allowing Muslim immigrants they wouldn't have anywhere to go to escape their crazies.
Please save the obligatory liberal screeds against Christianity in the mould of some supposed ‘fairness’ and ‘balance’. It’s boring and silly.
You are comparing apples with Improvised Explosive Devices.
The Bible is utterly unlike the Koran.
You have precisely Christ, Christianity and Christendom to thank for holding back the tides of Islam from Europe for millennia to enable you to have the liberty, equality and freedom (and technology) to write your articles on the internet.
Be more grateful to your forefathers.
Choose your own apostasy by any means - by the grace of God it is part of his mystical plan for the salvation of your soul - but Islam would afford you no such tolerance. Remember that and save your primary-school level atheist apologetic for your agnostic friends.
Your knowledge of the history of late-antiquity and medieval Europe is sorely lacking. You believe too much the indoctrination of the modern zeitgeist. I would encourage you to research and read more good history before replicating untruths about ‘The Dark Ages of Christianity’. The reason the Islamic Golden Age was so golden and they had so much learning is because they conquered all the wealthy, educated parts of Christendom with the best libraries.
Otherwise, great piece. Keep up the good work! I just recommend you read more history of late antiquity and the Middle Ages. 🙂. Women’s liberation didn’t begin in 1970, it began with the birth of Christ and is evident in the growing autonomy and value of women throughout the long history of the cultures he influenced.
Ah, I see I triggered another Christian. Not sure why you're so sure you know more about Christianity than me, although if you're practicing the religion you're more up to date than me, I'm an apostate of thirty years. But I have done a lot of reading on both Christianity and Islam and I can speak at length about the vicious methods of torture instigated by the Church's many inquisitions in the Middle Ages. The 15th century in Europe: Now *there* was a dangerous time to be drawing breath!
I don't even know what to make of your comment about women's liberation. Christ himself comes across as feminist in the Bible, too bad there's no historical evidence he ever existed. And St. Paul, who IMO came to define the new religion far more than Jesus, was no feminist himself.
Well good luck to you. You can be apostate, but to think Jesus of Nazareth never existed is bad history. Like I say, you’re smart, but you don’t know half as much history as you think you do.
I am not Islam phobic. I am against sick, twisted individuals who use their religion to hide behind and say that everyone else is an infidel piss on Islam.
Your username is absolutely hilarious and some of this commentary was not completely retarded (though there was a fair bit of ridiculous liberal screeching in various pearl clutching about the allegedly virtuous Muslims, all five of them, that exist in the UK).
You do need to specify what this passage refers to: “She extensively describes the way these extremist psychopaths twist the Koran to cloak gang rape and sexual torture in religion, in a manner which will be familiar to Bible readers whose own holy book is also pretty graphically horrific to women and has been used to justify horrific misogyny through the ages.”
Please go find language in the Bible that justifies gang rape and sexual torture. Chop chop will wait.
I didn't say it did. But the Bible does require rape victims to marry their rapists (which horrified me as a young girl), makes it clear that women are chattel and probably the most famous misogynist twisting is of the story of Adam and Eve, where Genesis curses the woman to give birth in pain because she disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit. He further commanded that her husband would rule over her (Adam got punished too, but clearly he got off a little easier.) Many theologians over the centuries used that to justify much harsh treatment of women since the Fall was all our fault or something. Even after ether and other drugs were developed to lessen the pain or put her out, some doctors mandated that she should not be given them because it wasn't in accordance with God's intention for her.
That bitch Mother Theresa was one of them.
I don't think the Bible is nearly as misogynist as the Koran, and Goddess knows Christianity was never one much for FGM, but the Bible has been used to justify many different heinous acts and of course, it absolutely normalizes and justifies conquest, taking women and children as spoils, and demonizing one's enemies.
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with demonizing one's enemies. For someone who likes to take a shit on the Bible you are completely infiltrated by the same fagoty empathy nonsense as a typical gutless Christian.
Oh man, you should have seen me in my heyday!!! I used to write anti-fundamentalist Christian articles for a small town alternative newspaper in New England. The local fundies were so triggered they should have joined the NRA :)
Bro no one's ever been triggered by anything you've written. This stuff is so sophomoric.
Wait a minute. I thought you read some of the comments on that Islam article? You said specifically you did. I triggered a LOT of people with it. Including you! I am DA QUEEN!!! <bows to thunderous applause>
Wow this is just sad 😬 watching liberal women so desperate for attention they just start praising themselves is really grim. You're grim dude.
Okay, chickie-boo, I can see you've decided to be part of the problem rather than the solution. Hate hate hate, that's what AmeriKKKa is all about now, isn't it. Doesn't matter which side of the partisan divide you're on, you're allowed to HATE indiscriminately because that's the new American way. You disgust me. How mighty America has fallen. I see you're a fan of that loser Alexander Dugin. Typical. Ronald Reagan must be rolling over in his grave.
🤣🤣🤣 I hope Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave because as a California resident he's the one who cursed us with these fucking illegals (some of which are adorable some of which are absolute filth, but all of which need to go). You're a typical leftist bimbo. You have absolutely no concrete takes. Just a hodgepodge of snark, girlboss vibes and ephemeral feelings cobbled together in an insatiable quest for the attention that you will never actually receive.
I don’t take you seriously, sweetie. You’re not interested in genuine engagement, and you came in here flaming with the snark. You’ve got a superiority complex and I read a GREAT article the other day on how to handle trolls…and here you just dropped into my lap, a crazy-ass Russian nationalist whackjob who’s so far right I’ll bet Ronald Reagan’s going, “Girl, that’s just extreme!” So let me just set you straight: I am NOT a typical leftist! Bimbo, okay…i can’t deny that. I’ve even got albums full of photographic evidence :) I lean left, but not so far my brains fall out. I like conservatives too, but only the ones who don’t let their brains fall out. I guess that eliminates you. BTW, thank you for helping to boost my article more with your comments. Retarded or not, every comment on an article helps ;)
Oh yes what credible writer doesn't praise their own work as, "a GREAT article" 🤣 This little centrist schtick that you're trying to pull off is really boring.
And as I expected, once pressed the "graphically horrific" passages don't exist. Far be it from you, liberal white women from a futureless failed generation, to fail to genuflect to the woke by smearing the bible with a false implication that it contains "graphically horrific" passages on the treatment of women. You start off with a complete falsehood an oft cited passage from Deuteronomy, whilst completely ignoring the corresponding passage from Exodus which clarifies that she does not have to marry the rapist and the father can hold the rapist financially liable on court without requiring marriage.
Anyway I'm not really interested in educating you on the bible or any other elements of history, because the broader point here is your own pathetic duplicity - there is no equivocation to be made between the Judeo-Christian world and the Islamic world with regards to anything around the treatment of women, human rights, inbreeding, bestiality, child sexual abuse, and overall degeneracy. You're too cowardly and too captured by wokeism to take an honest point of view on any of this. And anyway you're just a simple basic bitch seeking attention. If you are trying to go the "vaguely center right art hoe" route to stay relevant, you better be extremely thin and extremely beautiful because the quality of your discourse is room temperature ass.
Oh, I see you can find the contradictions in the Bible yourself! You're right, the Bible says one thing one place and then another thing somewhere else, *just like you do with the Koran*, picking out the verses that support your mindless hate and ignoring those that say the opposite. Have you ever actually *read* it? I have, but I'll bet you haven't. Of course you would do the same with the Bible, which contradicts itself all over the place (so much for being the inerrant word of God, it was already a bloody mess by the time King James got his mitts on it). Pick what you like and ignore the rest. I'm not extremely thin or extremely beautiful which I expect is a very fortunate thing today as I won't be turned into a concubine for some old fat fuck (or several) like a younger, prettier woman. I'm sure the Christian nationalist vision for America will be more to your liking, you'll find it's just as awful and evil as the worst of the Islamic world but maybe you'll get lucky, maybe you'll be a finger-chopping auntie if you're not pretty enough yourself to be Jeff Bezos's concubine in his underground New Zealand bunker. Enjoy the gross sexual abuse, you voted for it. Or be murdered for being too old or not attractive enough to suck anyone's dick. You might be pretty though, which means you have a fine future ahead of you as a baby machine.
By the way you stupid bitch. Why would any woman in America be sexually abused? Shooting things for fun is my fucking hobby. Your desire to be a victim is just masterbatory and it's frankly an expression of the grim reality that no one is pursuing you. Because no one is pursuing you, you need to inject drama and sexual intrigue into your life some way. Keeping yourself in this ridiculous pretend state of fear that the country is about to turn into the handmaid's tale is truly embarrassing. You were the poster child for female liberal mental health crises.
Hey baby, since you're such a fan of my work I'd like to invite you to return a week from this Wednesday when I'll publish an article about Islam that's even MORE positive than this one! It'll send you over the top, I promise. You'll probably lose it in your pants when you read it. I can tell you enjoy being triggered. Been reading about rise of the Woke Right Snowflake :)
Bro your parents aren't even a fan of your work? 🤣 I get it. You saw that the Red scare podcast girls were getting attention and you thought maybe you could try to do some voice of centrism similar thing and maybe someone would pay attention you too. The problem is you're probably a four and the quality of your thinking is absolutely embarrassing. Hang it up dude just go be a dental hygienist or something. Have an actual life stop trying to be the intellectual that you aren't. 💕
🤣🤣 that comment about your relative appearance compared to the quality of your discourse really hit the mark eh? Fully spiraling. You are such a joke. Let me break this down for you - You dumb bimbos always go to the handmaid's tale not because it's your greatest fear because it's your greatest desire. Let me be all the way real with you - you are too dumb and not attractive enough to be fit to compete and live the life you want to live under capitalism. So unless you've got Mommy and daddy money which I doubt you do, you have a deep visceral desire for someone to figure your stupid life out for you. The entire read on the handmaid's tale through the lens of some dumb feminist nonsense was wholly wrong. It's a fantasy not a nightmare. I say this from experience. I'm an oddly good looking freakishly intelligent aggressive American Jew. There is no dream I have not chased down I'm literally living my dream. I'm deeply grateful for this but I'm also exhausted. The girl boss stuff is hard. Even when you're insanely talented it's hard.
Anyway I hate to deprive you of your fantasy, but Trump is not a Christian nationalist he's not a white supremacist. He's basically a Democrat from the '80s. Dude has appointed one of the most ethnically diverse cabinets in American history. He's appointed the highest ranking openly gay official in American history. You're going to have to find another kink. Have you considered moving to the UK? You actually would be victimized there. It could give you a whole new appreciation for your own manufactured suffering. You idiots need to sober up. This shit is infantile. You should be embarrassed.
Trump is definitely not a Christian nationalist. He'd have to be a Christian for that to happen. Then again, most of the Christian nationalists aren't Christian either. CINOs!!! :) He definitely doesn't hire like a white supremacist - he doesn't care what you look like as long as you're loyal to him. But, as with the woke left, competence is still right out. Think about that the next time you fly on an airplane. They're no longer piloted or controlled by woke morons. They're piloted and controlled by YOUR (loyalist) morons. Happy flying ;)
This is such a sad attempt to land a point. Girl this is my best advice to you and I mean that sincerely - If this is just some little intention seeking side quests that's great carry on. Please do not ever believe that you have what it takes to monetize your thoughts. I've seen so many young people waste years thinking that they're actually going to be some kind of artist, writer, etc. spare yourself the heartache.
So…A good year for everyone else, then?
Oh, it’s gonna be awesome, lol
What a disgusting title labia . You people have no shame.
Another satisfied customer ;)
Debauched people 😑
Oh, I see. Messianic Christian. Fair enough. Hope you learned something anyway ;)
Debauched people 😑
Just some personal thoughts here, for what they are worth:
"The progressive freeze on free speech is lifting..." Sadly, not in the UK. Here the freeze is reaching cryogenic levels and still falling. We are soon to have a specific law of Islamophobia imposed on us, despite no-one in Goverment or elsewhere is able to comprehensively define the term. As we have a principle in practical law that it's not the words and actions of an "offence" that is important so much as the perceived offence that is supposedly inflicted on the "victim" by such words or actions.
"... Western countries are more closely scrutonizing Islamic country immigrant applications". The United(?) Kingdom likely (given its embarrassingly large majority) to allow ALL immigrants, legal and illegal, free and unvetted entry and citizenship without question or argument.
Laatly, your references to the Bible and misogyny and prevaricating over who to hate and when (or not) is disingenuous. The Old Testament is laid down as a history from the Creation to the Coming which includes a lot of "smiting" (though NOT by Christians, obviously!) but practising Christians are taught to follow the Gospel of the New Testament as preached and practised by your "hippie guru", others' Messiah or Saviour. Any "Christian" today who practises misogyny or "smiting" is in serious need of repentance or is not really a Christian at all.
Yes, the UK has been famously, for many years now, weaning everyone off free speech which is tragic. The free speech freeze here is lifting at least temporarily because of Donald Trump, who is no friend to fee speech overall - he's famous for suing his critics into silence, rather a lot like the $limentologists and his buddy the Muskrat. Really, we've swapped one toxic authoritarian cult for another.
Christians to follow the NT primarily but they're also enjoined to take the lessons of the OT; our Biblical literalists (not sure how many of those you have in the UK) take it seriously from stem to stem, with a lot of hypocritical interpretations and choosing which laws to take seriously and which to ignore (homosexuality bad, God says so! Stoning adulterers, no!) In the US at least (we don't seem to have them in Canada, although maybe they're just quieter here) they go with both books.
Are you English? The fact that you can't distinguish between the First amendment and a libel lawsuit is really extraordinary. I don't mean to alarm you but... There's a very strong chance you are in fact fucking retarded.
Bravo 👏
If you read her writing, you'll see that my diagnosis was quite accurate
You're not getting a rash of shit from me, I'm saying you're right, and i appreciate what you've said here
Well thank you for diagnosing me….favor returned. :)
I’ve been forced to think about cousin marriage more in the past year than I ever would have ventured to or wanted. And one thing I learned is that cousin marrying cultures are the ones most controlling of women and most abusive. The tribal logic seems to go that our women are ours and if you don’t control YOUR women, then they will be ours, too! And this goes will all kinds of other clannish violence extending past sexual conquest.
These types of cultures have clan violence baked into the equation. Consider US Appalachia which is a punchline or incest and blood feuds and consider that they are downright cosmopolitan compared to even modern day Pakistan which is a majority inbred cousin marrying population.
You might have a point. It's an interesting point because as I understand it, first cousin marriage isn't as genetically harmful as once thought, although the around 100-year-old incest taboo surrounding it can still be a powerful force. It wasn't terribly uncommon among Europeans, even in the New World, to marry cousins. I'm not sure how abusive they were although they were certainly controlling--something we could say about all generations of men before First Wave feminism began slowly changing things. In my mother's day, it would have been unheard-of for her to marry a cousin although she was very close with one of her first cousins. One of her distant aunts, I think, a generation perhaps before Mom, was pressured by her family to marry her cousin even though she didn't want to; he was considered, in their eyes, "a good catch," meaning he made a decent living. Never mind the fact that he was an alcoholic, this was the years before Friends of Bill W.
Because of the more recent scientific belief that cousin-marrying is okay (as opposed to brother-sister marriage which the Egyptians proved was a bad idea), I'm not sure I can link it definitively to truly abusive/violent cultures. We may have banned something based on misinformation, although I don't really want to see it come back (and that's an emotional, not rational feeling).
Appalachia is famously violent but they've managed to become a bit more civilized. Our part of the world pretty much requires it; the Islamic world, by and large, doesn't.
Neither do their Western allies.
The issue of cousin marriage may actually be highly relevant - but its a bit more complicated... There are actually two types: cross-cousin and parallel-cousin marriage patterns, and although both cause genetic problems, the latter *accumulates them over generations. And this is the type endemic in ME and Muslim cultures. Its mostly to do with controlling inheritances within the family and creates clannish tribal social structures.
There is a controversial Danish psychiatrist Nicolai Sennels whos tackled the subject there. Also a blogger called HBD Chick who has written about it - really worthwhile reading:
Wow, that was an interesting article! I had no idea cousin marriage might well explain much of why the Middle East is the way it is. Keeping it within the lineage certainly doesn't encourage much exploring outside the group, which is problematic in an age where the rest of the world is at your doorstep whether you like it or not. Food for thought....and maybe for a future article.
I haven't had time to watch this, but am pretty confident you will find their opinions agreeable. I certainly have over the years.
"Grooming Gangs:" Why White Girls? Why Immigrant Men? Solid Ground #104
Oh, that looks good! Pinned to my taskbar so I can listen after I'm done with the podcast I'm listening to. Would love to get into the weeds on that one.
A country that turns it's back on protecting it's children or is prepared to sacrifice them for some cultural ideology, is a failed state. The UK is a failed state.
Remember, ALL the laws of Islam (such as illegal homosexuality) are quite acceptable under one condition: jihad. As long as you are a jihadi you can do ANYTHING YOU WANT including drinking, debauchery, homosexuality, drugs - anything (with exception, of course, to apostasy). Just as long as you are actively killing infidels, it's all good.
So what's your specific concern regarding this?
Qurans all about the Sexual Terrorism.
But it’s weird how not every Muslim man is a sexual terrorist.